A prayer to have a son

prayer for a baby boy

Prayer to merit having a son

By Rav Eliezer Berland, shlita

Master of the Universe, Omniscient One, who isn’t lacking in anything, (only) You can allow us to merit to have a baby boy in the blink of an eye who will have attributes of Moshiach ben [the son of] David.

Please, All Merciful and Compassionate One, Omniscient One, whose eyes are scrutinize the ways of man and knows their thoughts and secrets.

Isn’t Your watchful gaze meant for faith and holiness and purity?  Allow us to merit holiness and purity at the level of our holy Rabbeinu and by means of this shall we merit the blessing of Rabbeinu, “Kamoni Mamas”. 

And (then) we will merit sons who will also be at the level of our holy Rabbeinu. 

And also by them will the blessings of “Kamoni Mamas” be fulfilled.  And they will know all of Shas, and all of Shulchan Aruch, Rambam, Tur, Zohar, Etz HaChaim and all of the holy books in the world.

Please, All Merciful and Compassionate One, who is resolute amongst the attackers, victorious amongst the winners, in the blink of an eye You can act and turn us into complete, holy and pure tzadikim which had never existed before in the world.

You are Omniscient and nothing is held back from You.

Please, act with Your abundant mercy and enormous compassion and turn us from completely bad to completely good in the blink of an eye.

And by merit of this shall we merit to continue the soul of Moshiach ben [the son of] David who will build the Beit Hamikdash, and will redeem Am Yisrael, and will bring the resurrection of the dead in the blink of an eye, Amen.

contact the tzaddik Rabbi Berland for a blessing
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