Daily Chizzuk: The biggest souls go through more difficulties

The biggest souls go through more difficulties

Continuing the series of translations of Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s words from the You will succeed! book. Click HERE to buy the book in Hebrew.


Rabbi Pinchas Koritzer said that there are some neshamot (souls) who are the biggest souls.

The greatest souls in the world. And dafka, these neshamot are souls of separation, after kudsha brich ha v’shintcha. Dafka, these are the ones who go away from Hashem, they are the ones who fall the furthest.

Like David HaMelech. It’s written that David HaMelech was the biggest neshama, and that he was found in Sdom. He fell into the deepest depths of the klipot (realm of evil).

And the opposite is also true. The most lowly souls, they didn’t fall into the depths of the klipot.


The big souls – they dafka fall from igra rama (a very high level) to bira amika (a very low place), they fall and fall without end, to the very deepest depths of the klipot – to Sdom. To Lot. To the most terrible things in the world.

Dafka, the soul of David… When Moshe wanted to destroy Moab, Hashem told him that it was impossible to annihilate them. I need it that dafka from them, the malchut (royal line) is going to come out!

That the mother of David will dafka come from there. From the lowest place.

From the most lowly nation in the whole world.


No-one can ascend continually

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