New Translated Prayers! For Children Who Are Tzaddikim

Rabbi Berland’s Prayers for Children Who Are Tzaddikim

Yesterday, Rabbi Eliezer Berland, shlita, contacted the English editorial team to ask them to continue translating a minimum of 10 prayers into English a week.

Rabbi Berland has explained on many different occasions, most recently HERE, how distributing his prayers and Torah lessons are sweetening all the judgments in the world.

We can all feel the spiritual heaviness at the moment, it doesn’t require a lot of imagination to feel the judgments in the world. So, we are very happy to begin a new series of translated prayers, this time from the booklet of prayers by Rabbi Berland to have Children Who Are Tzaddikim.



Part 1 – General Prayers

Prayer #1:

Master of the world who can do anything and from whom nothing is withheld, grant me the merit to merit children who are Tzadikim and Torah scholars.

And may I no longer have any fear in the world, and may I be in awe of and fear only of Hashem Yitbarach.

And may I merit to buy a house, and merit an abundance of income from the King (90) who is the King (100) of Kings (145) the Holy One (415) Blessed (228) is He (12) = 990.

And in the merit of this, may my wife merit (or may I merit) to give birth to Moshiach (358) the son of (52) Yosef (156) Moshiach (358) the son of (52) David (14) = 990 who will build the Temple speedily in our days, in the blink of an eye.

Amen, Selah, Netzach, Va’ed.


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Prayer #2:

Master of the world who can do anything, may I merit that all my sons and daughters, all of them will carry grace and good kindness in the eyes of G-d and man.

And may we merit each and every day and each and every night to be by the kevarim (graves) of the Forefathers Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov. And to carry grace and good kindness in the eyes of all.

And may we merit, G-d who is One, to be dust and ashes.

And may we merit an abundance of income, like it says, “the flask of flour will not cease and the jug of oil will not be lacking”.

And may I merit to be, “bold as a leopard, light as an eagle, to run like a deer, brave as a lion to do the will of our Father in heaven”.


Prayer #3:

Master of the world who can do anything and from whom nothing is withheld.

Grant me Merciful and Gracious One, Father (4) who is good and does good, Atika (the Ancient One) (581) of all (54) Atikim (Ancient Ones) (640) Hidden One (511) of all (54) Hidden Ones (570) the Hidden One (570) of all (55) = 3020 in the merit of Queen Esther and Mordechai the Jew;

To raise our children to Torah and good deeds, and imbue in them the essence (200) of the soul (790) of our Holy (415) and awesome (268) teacher (268) = 3020 Rabbenu Nachman the son of Simcha the son of Feige.

And may we merit our own apartment in Jerusalem without a penny of debt.

And fulfill in us the blessing of Eliyahu the prophet who is remembered for good, “the flask (24) of flour (153) will not (31) cease (455) and the jug (584) of oil (395) will not (31) be lacking (260) = 1941”.

Our Father (69) our King (146) be gracious to us (114) and answer us (182) because (30) we don’t (61) have (58) any good deeds (460) perform for us charity and kindness and save us”.

Please Gracious and Merciful One, may we merit that I and my husband (wife) and our children will reach the level of Moshe Rabbenu peace be upon him, who was a father (3) in wisdom (73) father (3) in Torah (611) father (3) in prophecy (64) = 1941.

And may we merit Gracious and Merciful One, G-d who is One, to genuine love (408) of heaven (390), and may we merit to genuinely love You all twenty four hours, because, “You (406) are One (13) and your Name (366) is One (13) = 798 and who is like Your nation Israel”.

And may we live all of our lives, us and our descendants and our descendants’ descendants in Jerusalem the holy city, without any debts, with an abundance of income, because Hashem chose (210) Jerusalem (588) = 798.


Prayer #4:

Master of the world who can do anything and from whom nothing is withheld.

Just like you atoned for Hannah who was in her previous incarnation ‘Tzila’, and You atoned for her for all her sins, so too may it be Your will before You that all the terrible suffering that I have been through until now will be the end and culmination to all my sorrow and suffering, and to all that I have sinned in this incarnation and in previous incarnations.

And just like you merited Hannah with a son like Shmuel who was equal to Moshe and Aaron, and it was he who completed everything that Moshe and Aaron didn’t manage to complete in their lifetimes, and the Megaleh Amukot said he was greater than Moshe and Aaron, and he completed everything that Moshe and Aaron didn’t manage to complete in their lifetimes;

So too, grant me the merit of sons like Shmuel the prophet, who will bring back all of the nation of Israel in repentance, and merit to pray and learn Torah with immense attachment to each and every letter until, through the holy letters of Torah and prayer, he will merit to awaken all the roots of the souls of all the nation of Israel, and he will merit to bring back the entire world in repentance.

And may we merit, me and my sons and my daughters, to live in the area of the ‘Chomah’ (the wall), in order that we may be able to inhale the pure and holy air.

And through this, may we merit, me and my sons and daughters, to strengthen in genuine fear of heaven.

And to be encompassed in the holy chariot, and to be like the holy forefathers and the holy matriarchs a chariot for the resting of Your G-dliness, until we merit to bring Moshiach the son of David, and to see the building of the Temple speedily and in our days, Amen.

Master of the world who can do anything, just like you merited Miriam the prophetess who went out with drums and with dancing with song and melody, and since then she would go at the head of the camp and the flags would go after her, so too grant me the merit from now on forever all the days of my life only to go out with drums and dancing with song and melody, for Your honor.


Prayer #5:

Master of the world who can do anything, in the merit of “and if you would listen” grant us the merit, Hashem who is One, to cancel our arrogance (20).

And through this, in this year (357) our righteous Moshiach (358) will come (19) = 754 who is the brave one of Israel, who is the great one (60) of Yehuda (30) and the great one (66) of Jerusalem (596) = 754.

And may we merit a beautiful apartment in Jerusalem, like it says, “don’t say ‘her sons’ say ‘her builders’ (73)”.

And may we merit daughters who are Tzadikim and awesome, like Sarah, Rivka, Rachel and Leah, Miriam the prophetess, and Devorah the prophetess, and to sons who are awesome Tzadikim and children (68) of Torah (611) = 752.


Prayer #6:

Please Hashem who can do anything, fulfill in me the verse, “be (16) strong (215) to your brothers (69) and the sons (62) of your mother (87) will prostrate themselves (726) to you (50) = 1209.”

And may I merit to be a “revealer of mysteries” and to light up (257) all the hidden matters (952) = 1209.

And may we merit (my husband shall merit) to learn Shas Gemara by heart, Likutei Moharan, Likutei Halachot, word for word, letter for letter.

Please, Hashem who is One (1), Merciful and Gracious One, “who saved (136) (401) David (14) His servant (82) from the sword (250) of evil (275) = 1209” cancel from upon us all the judgments and accusations, because, Hashem who is One (1), “You are (405) my kindness (82) my stronghold (355) my fortress (556) = 1209”.

And may my sons merit to come close to the Yeshiva in truth and simplicity, and to become true Chasdei Breslov with all their heart and soul, with all of their 248 limbs and 365 sinews.

And may we merit that all my children will truly come close to Shuvu Banim, and will truly love the Rav, and each of them will merit to become a revered (516) student (584) of the Rav.

And may we merit to do each and every thing for the sake of the name (341) of the Holy One (415) Blessed (232) is He (12) = 1000.


Prayer #7:

Master of the world, send (338) a complete (375) recovery (292) = 905 to the sick of Israel.

Please, Hashem who is One, grant me the merit to serve You with awe and love (15).

Please, “G-d (31) of thankfulness (422) Master (61) of peace (376) = 905” may we merit a spacious apartment in Jerusalem without debts, like it’s written, “to Jerusalem (602) Your city (300) with mercy (300) You will return (708) = 1810”.

And may we merit to a genuine (861) love (408) of Israel (541).

And fulfill in me the verse, “your wife (721) will be fruitful (295) like a vine (153), in the inner chambers (642) of your home (432) your children will be like shoots of olive trees surrounding your table = 2243”.

And may we merit to educate our children in the path of our holy and awesome teacher (Rabbenu), like it’s written, “she anticipates (191) the ways (471) of her household (417), and the bread (84) of laziness (591) she does not (31) eat (451) + 1 = 2243”.


Prayer #8:

Master of the world, grant me and my wife (husband) the merit to be “like a bride (75) embedded (443) between (62) her friends (691) = 1271” and to always be like a bride in the lap of her marriage canopy.

And through this may I have a great abundance of millions and billions, “because You are (406) a G-d (31) who protects us (502) and saves us (232) = 1271”.

And send me an unlimited abundance like Yosef the Tzadik, who “was not able to count because there was no number [high enough]”.

And all the days of our lives, may me and my wife (husband) be encompassed in Shabbat (704) Shira (515) = 1219, and may we hear the melody that will play in the time to come.

Please Hashem, our King, “our Maker, the Maker (306) of the Creation (913) + 1 = 1220”, the One who creates heaven and earth anew, create for me heaven and earth anew, because “there is no (61) remembrance of You (347) in death (448) in hell (339) who (50) can thank (25) You (50) = 1220”.

Please, Hashem who is One (1), send me an abundance (490) of blessings (628) and tidings (101) = 1220.

And may we merit, Hashem who is One (1), to draw down into the world good (423) and pure souls (796) = 1220.

And may all my children be holy and pure, and fulfill in us the verse, “and there will come (45) upon you (130) all (50) these (41) blessings (633) and you will achieve them (350) = 1220”.


Prayer #9:

Master of the world who can do anything.

Merciful Father, fulfill in me and in my husband (my wife) and in our children the verse, “because (30) he dressed me (407) in clothes (19) of salvation (380) and he wrapped me (149) in a cloak (156) of righteousness (199) = 1334 like a bridegroom who exalts with splendor, like a bride who bedecks herself with jewellery” .

And may we merit a million euro a year, and merit to have more male sons who will be imbued with the essence (200) of the soul (790) of our holy (415) and awesome (268) teacher (268) = 1941 Rabbenu Nachman the son of Simcha the son of Faige.

And may we merit that all my sons and daughters will have fulfilled in them the saying, “Yehuda the son of Teima says be bold (77) as a leopard (310), light (130) as an eagle (570), run (290) like a deer (122), be brave (211) as a lion (231) to do the will of our Father in heaven = 1941”.

And may we all merit to have the [correct] intention for the holy name, ‘yud kei vav kei’ the name of ‘Av’ (yud kei vav kei: yud x yud (400) hei x hei (225) vav x vav (484) hei x hei (225) = 1334).


Prayer #10:

Master of the world who can do anything, grant me the merit to be like Sarah, Rachel, Rivka and Leah.

And may I merit to be the most righteous in the world, together with my husband (wife).

Please Hashem, “who (501) created (203) joy (656) and happiness (359) groom (458) and bride (61) = 2238” grant me and my husband (wife) the merit to always be like a bride a groom.

Grant me (my wife) to be the most wise and most righteous in the world, like it’s written, “her mouth (95) opens (493) with wisdom (75) and a Torah (1012) of kindness (72) is on (100) her tongue (391) = 2238”.A woman of valor who can find, her value is far beyond pearls, the heart of her husband relies on her, and he does not lack fortune”.

And may we merit like in Egypt sixty children in one pregnancy, and may we merit to see in our lifetime six hundred thousand grandchildren, great grandchildren and descendants.

And may I merit to live with my husband (wife) until 120 years.

And may I and my husband (wife) and the sons and daughters which will be born to me merit to see Eliyahu the prophet who is remembered for good who was pure in his eyes.

And may I merit to see him, me and my husband (wife) and my sons and my daughters that will be born to me, like it’s written, “send (338) Tishbi (712) to the cherished (104) nation (140) peace (214) joy (656) and rest (74) = 2238”.

And may there be drawn down (770) on us goodwill (677) mercy (264) charm (59) kindness (79) in a higher (116) light (263) = 2238, on us and on all Israel.


You can buy copies of Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s Prayers 1 and 2 on Amazon.

Just click the images.

How do we save our children?

contact the tzaddik Rabbi Berland for a blessing
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