Only the Tzaddik Knows What a Person Came to Rectify — Daily Chizzuk by R’ Eliezer Berland Shlit”a

The Daily Chizzuk of our Rebbe Rav Eliezer Berland shlit”a — In order to rectify the sin of Adam HaRishon, one needs to know the secret of song.

Tuesday, 4 Iyar 5783 — “A person comes to rectify all types of souls, and according to those souls that he has come to rectify, the thoughts occur to him — only the Tzaddik knows which souls he has come to rectify”.

These are his holy words:

It is written in Pirkei D’Rabbi Eliezer: “Six [people] were an aspect of Adam HaRishon,” that six came to rectify the sin of Adam HaRishon.  They began to rectify from [free] choice, but they did not know the secret of song.  King Chizkiyah did not know the secret of song.

“Six resembled Adam HaRishon” (Pirkei D’Rabbi Eliezer 53).  Shimshon, that every blow killed a thousand men.  There’s nothing like this; even Mashiach won’t kill a thousand men like that.

Shimshon — every blow a thousand men, “With the jawbone of a donkey (chamor), heap upon heaps (chamor chamoratayim); with the jawbone of a donkey, I have struck down a thousand men” (Shoftim 15:16).  A person needs for every blow to be a thousand men, with the jawbone of a donkey to take a thousand men.

Even if he is chamor chamoratayim [i.e. very materialistic], that he hasn’t escaped from all his blemishes, because it is explained in “Galei Razaya” that there were in Shimshon two souls, both Yafet and Shem.

“Yafet and Shem took a garment and placed it on both their shoulders” (Bereishit 9:23) — this is an allusion that they would come together in reincarnation, because although Yafet learned by Shem, they would come, Shem and Yafet, together mamash in the same body; this happened only by Shimshon, that he had two souls.

Everyone has several souls.  Shimshon had two souls, both of Shem and of Yafet.  A person comes to rectify all types of souls; according to this, the thoughts occur to him, according to those souls that he has come to rectify — and only the Tzaddik knows which souls he has come to rectify.

Because Shaul had needed to nullify himself to Shmuel.  Shaul came to rectify Lemech, but Shaul himself did not know whom he had come to rectify — he didn’t know!  If Shaul had known, he would have rectified differently.

Shaul only had one test — to nullify himself to Shmuel — “Shaul was one year in his kingdom” (I Shmuel 13:1) [that Shaul was like a one-year old baby in that he had never sinned].  The evil inclination made him fall — but nullify yourself to Shmuel.

Shaul needed to wait seven days, but how is it possible to wait?  He was told to wait seven days — seven days.  How would he wait seven day?  Here everyone had gathered; all the Jewish people came from the Golan, came from Ramah, came from all the places, and he’s told to wait seven days…

It’s already two minutes before twelve, and Shmuel hasn’t arrived.  Everyone is saying to him: Nu, bring the offering already, because it’s impossible to go out to war without an offering.  You don’t just go out to war like that.  Bring an elevation offering, a peace offering, bring something.  Let’s see you…

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It’s a hard test, but nullify yourself to Shmuel — Shaul had needed to wait for the coming of Shmuel.

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