Photo Gallery: The Rav’s gatherings around Eretz Yisrael

Rav Berland visits Kiryat Sefer

PHOTO GALLERY: Rav Berland visits locations around Israel

Almost every day finds the Rav in a different part of the country, giving shiurim, advice and blessings to so many different Jews from all types of background.

Here, we’re pleased to share with you a selection of photographs of some of his more recent visits and appearances in and around Israel:

The Rav giving out blessings and advice in Holon
The Rav meeting Jews at a house visit in Herzliya Pituach
Rav Berland officiating at the wedding of Family Mann, in Kiryat Sefer
The Rav together with Rabbi Zisolatz, at the home of Rav Shlomo Wiseman
contact the tzaddik Rabbi Berland for a blessing
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