Prayer to get correct advice from the kidneys

Rabbi Berland’s Prayer To Get Correct Advice From The Kidneys

The following is translated from Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s compendium of prayers in the Refuah Shleimah booklet. To get the prayer in the original Hebrew, you can buy the booklet HERE.

Master of the world, who can do anything, from whom nothing is withheld, please send a complete recovery to ……………. and may I merit that my kidneys work like normal and function with happiness, and may I always receive from them correct advice.

And may I merit genuine happiness at every moment and second, and may I be attached to Hashem in all my thoughts and reflections at every moment and second, and may I merit to fulfil the verse, “fortunate is the man who Hashem thinks of him no sin, and no deceit in his spirit”.

And may I be endowed with the spirit of Hashem in the land of Mishor, and may the angels of Argaman accompany me at every moment and second, who are Refael, Michael, Gavriel, Nuriel and the angel Or-Peniel at their head.

And may they save me from the hands of the accursed Zionists and return them in teshuva, and may these holy angels merit to be imbued in all the wicked people and to wake them up to make complete and genuine teshuva.

And to pour abundance down on me from the ‘river that comes out of Eden’ a great abundance that does not cease ever, and no one can stand in its way, like it’s written, “for only there will Hashem be our Mighty One, a place of wide rivers and channels, a boat cannot traverse it, and a mighty vessel cannot cross it.”

That even the Angel of Death cannot cross it, and no sitra achra (negative force) in the world is able to prevent the abundance and healing, the salvation and joy which You want to pour down on me all the days of my life at every moment and second.

And, “great waters cannot extinguish the love and rivers cannot sweep it away” and don’t leave me in the hands of my oppressors, and “evil ones will not oppress me”, “because Hashem is our Judge, Hashem is our Legislator, Hashem is our King, He is our Saviour”.


Visit the A-Z of prayers by Rabbi Eliezer Berland, HERE.


Prayer to overcome fear #2

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