Prayer to heal an infection in the joints

Rabbi Berland’s Prayer To Heal An Infection In The Joints

The following is translated from Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s compendium of prayers in the Refuah Shleimah booklet. To get the prayer in the original Hebrew, you can buy the booklet HERE.

Master of the world, who can do anything, and from whom nothing is withheld, heal me in the blink of an eye from the infection in my joints, in the merit of the Tzaddik (209) the foundation (80) of the world (146) = 435 Rabbenu Nachman the son of Simcha the son of Faige.

Please Hashem, perform (381) great things (449) and wonders alone (42) = 1439.

Heal me in the blink (305) of an eye (130) = 435 from the infection in my joints, “and all (50) the land (291) will know (96) that there is (310) a G-d (86) in Israel (542)” = 1439.

And grant me the merit of a complete (375) healing (322) in the blink (305) of an eye (130) = 1132, because “we are (115) Your nation (130) and the flock (147) of Your pasture (840)” = 1132.

And please perform for us unlimited and unmeasurable miracles and wonders.


Visit the A-Z of prayers by Rabbi Eliezer Berland, HERE.


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