Prayer to heal the legs without any operations

Rabbi Berland’s Prayer To Heal The Legs Without Any Operations

The following is translated from Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s compendium of prayers in the Refuah Shleimah booklet. To get the prayer in the original Hebrew, you can buy the booklet HERE.


Master of the world, who can do anything and from whom nothing is withheld, grant me the merit to pour out my heart like water before You.

And may I merit to know that You can do anything, and You can heal my legs, without any operation and without any doctors at all.

And so too the legs of …………….. on account of my believing in Hashem (28) who is a great (43) and awesome G-d (31) and who can do anything to do each and every thing.

And may I merit to learn (80) Torah (611) for Your sake (375) always (454) day (96) and night (81) +1 = 1800, and thought this may I merit to have intention in all of my 248 limbs and 365 sinews in all (19) the blessings  of the Shemonah Esreh who’s initial letters are 1800.

Please, Hashem (31) who is full (71) of mercy (298) grant me the merit to have intention in every thought, speech and action to unify the Holy (415) Name (341) Blessed (232) is He (12).

And through this may I merit that there is imbued in me the soul of Eliyahu (52) the prophet (68) who is remembered (233) for the good (47) = 1800.

And to know that “there is no (61) G-d (86) other than You (463)” and through this may I merit the cloak of the Rabbis, to dress in the clothing (338) of Mordechai (274).

And through this may I merit that you heal my legs and the legs of …………. without any operation at all and without any doctors at all.

And may we merit to hear the sound (136) of the redemption (45), through the aspect of ‘Mah’ = 45, and salvation (397) = 1800, speedily in our days, in the blink of an eye.

Amen, Netzach, Selah, Va’ed.

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