Prayer to merit a pure, holy heart

Rabbi Berland’s Prayer To Merit A Pure, Holy Heart

The following is translated from Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s compendium of prayers in the Refuah Shleimah booklet. To get the prayer in the original Hebrew, you can buy the booklet HERE.


Master of the world, who can do anything, from whom nothing is withheld, heal ………. in the blink of an eye.

And may they merit from now on a holy body from Gan Eden, and may they merit to be like Batyah (417) the daughter (402) of Pharoah (355) and Serach (514) the daughter (402) of Asher (501) and Yehoshua (397) the son of (52) Levi (46) = 3086 who entered with their bodies into Gan Eden.

Please Hashem (86), Merciful Father, “Creator (209) of remedies (693) awesome (257) in His praises (841) the planter (188) of salvations (792)” = 3086.

And may they merit to be healthy and complete in the blink of an eye, and to praise the name of G-d day and night, like it’s written, “all of the soul will praise You, Halleluyah!” (86)

And may they merit to be holy and pure in the holiness of the holy Shabbat, like it says, “a holy (410) day (56) it is (12) from its coming (49) until (80) its going (497) all (50) the nation (474) of Israel (541) will do (386) it (413).”

And their heart will return to working well and will give health to all of the body, and may they merit a heart (32) which is holy and pure.

And give them life in the blink of any eye, like it’s written, “and Hashem (26) G-d (86) formed (316) the (401) man (50) dust (350) from (90) the earth (55) and blew (104) into his nostrils (99) the soul (790) of life (68) and behold (31) the man (50) was a living (23) soul (460)” = 3086.


Visit the A-Z of prayers by Rabbi Eliezer Berland, HERE.


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