Prayers for Shalom Bayit #3

Rav Berland’s Prayers for Shalom Bayit #3

In keeping with Rabbi Berland’s instructions to translate a minimum of 10 prayers a week into English, we are continuing our new series of prayers, this time for Shalom Bayit.

21. Master of the world who can do anything and from whom nothing is withheld.

Grant me, the One who can do anything, true Shalom Bayit.

And fulfill in me and my wife (husband) the blessing with which You blessed us in the seven days of nuptials, and especially the blessing, “make intensely happy the beloved companions (64) like you made happy Your creation in Gan Eden from the days of old, Blessed are You Hashem who gladdens the bride and the groom”.

And through this fulfill in us the prayer, “nation, ‘I am (61) a wall (59), brilliant (207) like the sun (73), yet exiled (44) and displaced (277); likened to (449) a palm tree (670), yet murdered (244) for your sake (130), she hugs (121) and cleaves (123) to You (22)” = 2571.

And draw down on me and my wife (husband) all the blessings from the dew of the crystal (50) in the merit of King David (14) peace be upon him.

And through this may there be fulfilled in us the verse which was said about Rivka:

and they blessed (244) (401) Rivka (307) and they said (263) to her (35) you are (401) our sister (471) may you be (25) thousands (151) of myriads (209) = 2571 and may your offspring conquer the gates of its enemies”.


  1. Master of the world who can do anything and from whom nothing is withheld, grant me to pour out my heart like water before You.

Father (4), Merciful and Gracious, be gracious to me and grant me true (461) Shalom (382) Bayit (412) = 1352.

Please, “Hashem (26) of Legions (499) is with us (166) our (86) refuge (345) the G-d (46) of Yaakov (182)” + 2 = 1352.

Grant me and my wife (husband) to be like the Cherubs (278) on the Ark of the Covenant, because “You (406) chose us (666) +2 = 1352 from all the nations and You raised us up above all the languages”.

And through this may there be fulfilled in us, “then (8) our mouths (146) were filled (81) with laughter (414) and our tongues (448) with song (255)” = 1352.


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23. Master of the world who can do anything.

Grant me Shalom Bayit, like the love of Yaakov for Rachel.

“[A]nd it was (25) that Hashem (26) our G-d (102) was with us (166) like (521) He was (20) with (110) our forefathers (469)” = 1439.

And may I finish each and every day the Book of Tehillim, “because (30) there is no (61) wisdom (73) like the wisdom (93) of the land (291) of Israel (541)” = 1439.

And may I go from being nothing to something, at each moment and second.

And may I only love G-d with a love from the soul, day (96) and night (81) = 177.

And through this may I enter with my body into Gan (53) Eden (124) = 177.


24. Master of the world who can do anything.

My Father (13), merciful Father, grant me to live with my wife (husband) in love (15) and companionship (26) and peace (382) and friendship (682) = 1118.

And in the merit of this may I merit to cry out, “Hear (410) O’Israel (541) Hashem (26) our G-d (102) Hashem (26) is One (13)” = 1118.

Please Hashem, grant me to love You a love (13) without limits, and in the merit of this, send (338) me (40) a healing (292) in the blink (305) of an eye (130) = 1118.

And may all the suffering and pains will disappear in the blink of an eye. And in the merit of King David (14) peace be upon him, may I merit not to be afraid from anyone, like it says, “[only] (401) Hashem (26) Your G-d (66) fear (611)” = 1118.


25. Master of the world who can do anything.

Grant me true Shalom Bayit with my husband (wife) and may we always be at ease and smiling with plenty of patience.

And fulfill in us the verse, “the One who spreads (591) the canopy (486) of peace (376) = 1453 over us and over all Israel and over Jerusalem”.

Save (381) (401) Your people (130) Israel (541)” = 1453.

And fulfill in me the prayer, “and (401) the shoot (138) of David (14) Your servant (96) speedily (250) sprout (548)” = 1453.

And may I merit to bring into the world the King Moshiach, King David, peace be upon him.

And through this may we merit, “the land (50) which (501) He swore (422) to your forefathers (469)” = 1453. And through this, Hashem who is One (1), “from His abode (232) He will turn (140) with His mercy (266) to His people (146) and be gracious (80) to the people (110) who unify (117) His name (346)” = 1450.

Hashem who is One (1), and through this, “send (338) Tishbi (712) to the groaning (144) and the tested (116) and the weary (69) and groaning (70)” = 1450.

And may we merit to see Eliyahu the prophet who is remembered for good, face to face, because, “I (81) rejoice (600) over (100) your saying (661) = 1442 like one who finds a great booty”.

And all my days I will sing, “the songs of (520) David (14) Your servant (96) that are heard (510) in Your city (302) = 1442 and which are said before Your altar”.

And all of Shabbat I will sing songs of holiness, day (96) and night (91) = 177 and through this, “they will rest (80) on it (7) all of Israel (541) that sanctify (454) Your name (360)” = 1442.

And through this may I merit to enter with my body into Gan (53) Eden (124) = 177.


26. Master of the world who can do anything, “who (501) created (203) joy (656) and happiness (359) groom (458) and bride (61)” = 2238.

Grant me and my wife (husband) to be all our days like a bride and groom, and may we merit to be the most healthy in the world, like Shimshon (696) the mighty one, whose soul was from Atik (580) Yomin (114) = 696.

And in the merit of this may I merit to see Eliyahu the prophet who is remembered for good, and to be healthy in all 248 of my limbs and 365 of my sinews, like it’s written, “send (338) Tishbi (712) to the treasured (104) nation (140) peace (214) joy (656) and rest (74)” = 2238.

And all my pains will cease, in the merit of Eliyahu the prophet in the blink of an eye.

And may I merit to be complete in all my 248 limbs and 365 sinews, in all my nefesh, ruach, neshamah, chayah and yechidah and to know, “that Hashem is G-d, there is no other”.

And there is no one apart from Him, and all the nations are nothing compared to Him.


27. Master of the world who can do anything.

Fulfill in me the promise of Eliyahu the prophet who is remembered for good, “the flask (24) of flour (153) will not (31) cease (455) and the jug (584) of oil (395) will not (31) be lacking (268)” = 1941.

And may I succeed with my wife (husband) that everything will always be good, and I will always live with her (him) in love (15) companionship (24) peace (376) and friendship (682) = 1093.

Please Hashem, G-d (31) who loves (14) peace (376) and pursues (296) peace (376) = 1093, grant me and my wife (husband) (and our unborn child) the height of peace and quietude, “quiet and certain, complete rest as You wanted it”.

And may we always be true loved ones, with a connection (602) that (330) continues (161) = 1093.

And the child will be a male son, and will succeed in learning (482) Torah (611) = 1093 and he will be the greatest genius and the greatest Tzaddik in the generation.


28. Master of the world who can do anything.

Grant me Shalom Bayit, like it’s written, “who created joy and happiness groom and bride”.

And may it be the will of the King of old, that we will merit to bring into the world the soul of Moshiach son of Yosef Moshiach son of David.


29. Master of the world, grant me to unify (34) and unite (431) His Blessed (632) Name (346) = 1443.

Grant us Shalom Bayit with my wife (husband), from the Hod (60) which is in Tiferet (1383) = 1443.

And may I be healthy in the blink of an eye (435) in the merit of the Tzaddik (209) the foundation (80) of the world (146) = 435 Rabbenu Nachman the son of Simcha the son of Faige.


30. Master of the world, Merciful Father (3), “blessed (632) in heaven (392) and earth (299)” = 1326.

May I merit that I (my wife) will be a woman who shines (220) with the light (207) of the seven (772) days (105) = 1325.

And may I merit to know Likutei Moharan by heart.

And may I always speak gently, and not get angry, because only (21), “the words (216) of the wise (118) spoken gently (460) are heard (510)” = 1325.

And may I merit an abundance of male sons, like it’s written, “and your sons (88) will be like olive (457) saplings (770)” = 1325.

Please Hashem who is One, and faithful (147) is He (12) the master (102) of kindness (84) to pay (400) their wages (580) = 1326.

And may I know, Merciful Father (3), “straight (510) is the word (206) of G-d (26) and all (56) His actions (421) are faithful (104)” = 1326.


Prayers for Shalom Bayit #2

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