Raising Funds for the Tzaddikim of Shuvu Banim’s Kollels and Yeshivot

Saving the Holy Torah Institutions of Shuvu Banim

The Torah institutions of “Shuvu Banim – Nechamat Tzion” offer a wide range of learning options for Avreichim (kollel students) who want to work hard on their Torah learning, despite the heavy yoke on their shoulders.  These Avreichim are bestowed with respectable stipends for their sustenance each month, in addition to the stipend from the Religious Affairs Ministry.

For direct tax-deductible donation for Israeli residents (in Hebrew) click here

For direct tax-deductible donation for those living outside of Israel, (in English) click here

Old City Kollel

The soul of the holy community is the Yeshiva in Jerusalem’s Old City, which is close by and in sight of the place of the Holy Temple.  On a daily basis, some 200 Avreichim come to this holy place.  At the Yeshiva, there are learning tracks for in-depth and in-breadth learning.  In addition, there are tracks for learning Halachah, monetary law for future dayanim (religious judges), and shiurim in Kabbalah.

Avreichim of the Yeshiva enjoy warm meals every day, so that they can sit and learn continuously from the early morning hours until nighttime.

At this place, our Rebbe Rav Berland shlit”a began to build the foundations of our holy community.  He sat and strengthened the Avreichim and young men in the ways of serving Hashem and pure fear of God, so that today they are Torah Sages and extraordinary servants of Hashem, drawing thousands under the wings of the Shechinah and to the light of the Rav shlit”a, in the path of Rabbeinu Nachman of Breslov.

Breslov Kollel for Hora’ah

In the year 5757 (1997), the Kollel for the second generation of the community was established, according to the pure aspiration of our Rebbe Rav Berland shlit”a that the young generation should invest all its strengths in learning Shas and Poskim, and to be able to bring out of this learning decisions according to Halachah.  Therefore, around 100 God-fearing Avreichim, whose whole desire is in the holy Torah, work diligently here to clarify Halachah to its depths.  Over a course of 26 years, the Kollel has produced Rabbis in Israel who have been tested by the great sages of Israel, who were amazed by their phenomenal knowledge.

The Kollel is found in a central location for the benefit of the community, and on the grounds of the Kollel are held a wide variety of events and gatherings necessary for the Avreichim and young men throughout the year.

Over the last period of time, a risk of being closed down has hovered over the building of the Kollel because the building went into receivership through those in charge of the location.  Therefore, the directors of the institutions were required, beyond the financial capacity of the institutions, to sign a contract for acquiring the building, and thereby immediately removed the risk of the Kollel being closed down.  The cost of the acquisition amounts to over 1,200,000 NIS!

Youth Kollel “Sha’arey Hora’ah”

With the expansion of the community and the tens of young Avreichim who married only in the last year, and with the understanding that these Avreichim need a special environment and guidance in their daily life, the directors of the institutions took onto themselves an additional yoke and formed this Kollel.  Through this, an additional link is joined in the chain of Torah and Kollels in the community.

At the head of the Kollel is the Gaon Rabbi David Weinstock shlit”a, an important posek in Jerusalem.  The head of the Kollel delineates for them a unique path of learning, with a special approach and clear understanding of their way in life, which is bound to him with bonds of love.

Over the course of the year important and well-known Rabbis have visited the Kollel to appraise the Avreichim of the Kollel, expressing their amazement.

For direct tax-deductible donation for Israeli residents (in Hebrew) click here

For direct tax-deductible donation for those living outside of Israel, (in English) click here

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