Rav Berland Shlit”a: Breslov Isn’t a Vacation

The holy words of our Rebbe Rav Eliezer Berland shlit”a:

[People] come to Breslov, they come to Shuvu Banim, in order to know that the entire foundation of Rabbeinu is learning Gemara.

The Rebbe says in Likutey Moharan 1 that our prayers and requests are received through Torah.

A person sees that he prays for a marriage partner, he prays for this…, and he doesn’t understand why his prayer isn’t received immediately.  Because he doesn’t learn Gemara!!

In order for the prayer to be received immediately, he needs to learn Gemara!  He needs to learn in depth — the Rebbe says to understand what he learns!

The Rebbe says: a fast and sharp mind.  Not just a mind.  One needs a fast and sharp mind…

If a person doesn’t have a fast and sharp mind…  Breslov isn’t about enjoying oneself or going on vacation.  “It’s hard in yeshiva to learn Gemara, so I’ll go to Breslov.  There they’re exempt from learning Gemara.”  It’s exactly the opposite.  Going from “bad to worse.”  He thought that he would be freed from learning Gemara.

So here the Rebbe says that one needs a fast and sharp mind.  Not just a mind, because “you saw a man quick in his work,” a verse in Mishlei.  “Quick in his work” is learning Gemara.  You came to Breslov, you “went from bad to worse.”

Really, it aggrieves me that such a tragedy happened to you, but what is possible to do?  Know that each and every person, according to the gleaming of the intellect.  The intellect is only through learning Gemara — the mind is built through learning Gemara.

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