Rebbe Nachman — Be Happy! — Sichos HaRan 41-42

Watch the recorded class on Sichos Haran 41-42 in which Rebbe Nachman explains the difference between depression and heartbreak, and the importance of being happy.

We are pleased to present a recording of the class of the webinar series on Rebbe Nachman’s Wisdom (Sichos Haran)

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Topic: Rebbe Nachman – Be Happy — Sichos HaRan 41-42

The difference between broken-heartedness and depression.


Nachmans Wisdom Chapter 41

Heartbreak is in no way related to sadness and depression.

Heartbreak involves the heart, while depression involves the spleen.

Depression comes from the Other Side and is hated by G-d.  But a broken heart is very dear and precious to G-d.

It would be very good to be brokenhearted all day.  But for the average person, this can easily degenerate into depression.

You should therefore set aside some time each day for heartbreak.  You should isolate yourself with a broken heart before G-d for a given time. But the rest of the day should be joyful.

The Rebbe emphasized this many times telling us not to be brokenhearted except for a fixed time each day.  He said that we should always be joyful and never depressed.

Chapter 42

Depression is like anger and rage.  It is like a complaint against G-d for not fulfilling one’s wishes.

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But one with a broken heart is like a child pleading before his father.  He is like a baby crying and complaining because his father is far away.

Come back and look for the full transcript of Yissachar’s class

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