Saved from the terrorist’s knife

Jerusalem and arabs

Saved from the terrorist’s knife

A few weeks ago, we covered the miracle that occurred to Shuvu Banim student David HaLevi, when he was miraculously saved from an attempted stabbing in the Old City of Jerusalem. Here, we bring an account of what happened in HaLevi’s own words, based on the account he gave to International Breslov Line, as reported in the Knishta Hada Newsletter, #68



On December 13th, 2018, David HaLevi, a student learning at the Shuvu Banim yeshiva in the Old City of Jerusalem, and follower of Rav Eliezer Berland, shlita, was miraculously saved from an attempted stabbing. The events recounted below occurred early that morning, on Ma’aleh Haldiya Street, in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City, when HaLevi was making his way back home, from the yeshiva.

Here is his story, in his own words:

“In the early hours of the morning, I’d been in the yeshiva. I’d learnt some Torah, immersed in the mikvah, and when I came out of the mikvah, another bochur (student) came over to me, and asked me for some tzedakah.

I have never, ever had such a difficult time persuading myself to take out a few coins to give for charity. But in the end, I got a hold of myself, and I gave him the last 10 shekels that I had in my wallet. It was only afterwards that I remembered the dictum of Chazal, that “Charity saves from death[1].”

I really felt that I’d had such a hard struggle with myself to give that tzedakah, but that in the end, it had saved my life.


I left the yeshiva (on Ma’aleh Haldiya Road), and headed out in the direction of HaHoma HaShlishit Road, going via Sha’ar Shechem (the Damascus Gate). It was around 5am in the morning. I was alone, and while I was walking I was humming the tune for the Tikkun Chatzot (midnight rectification prayer).

When I got to the piazza by the Lion’s Gate, I walked past two Arabs, and the terrorist suddenly appeared from behind them. I can still picture exactly how the blade of his knife looked, when he pulled it out and tried to stab me with it.

The terrorist jumped on me with his knife, and from the force of the blow, I fell to the ground. When I was down on the floor, I was looking at him, and he was looking at me, and until today, I still can’t understand why he decided to run off towards the soldiers, and to spare my life.

A couple of minutes later, I heard six or seven shots, and I understood that the terrorist had been killed.

I was injured by the fall, but he didn’t manage to stab me with his knife.

The only reason I have the courage to go via the Damascus Gate is because of the words of Moranu HaRav Berland, shlita, that emuna is bigger than fear. [In the yeshiva], believe in everything that the Rav has taught us, over the years, and we go with his words – to believe in Hashem.

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I will continue to go from the Damascus Gate, because the terrorists are only there to try to arouse us to make teshuva.

For sure, the prayer gathering that the Rav organized in Hevron contributed to the miracle that I experienced, but ultimately, it’s the merit of Moranu HaRav Berland, shlita, is what’s protecting all of us.”

Adapted and translated from the Knishta Hada Newsletter #68

[1] Found at the end of Masechet Shabbat.

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