Shiur for Students of New Yeshiva for Young Men under Leadership of R’ Yehuda Kremlovesky Shlit”a

Yeshiva of Rav Kremlovesky

On the evening of 16 Iyar, students from a new yeshiva for young men who are becoming stronger in Torah learning merited to a special shiur in Rav Berland’s home.

‘The yeshiva opened over a half-year ago by instruction of Rav Berland shlit”a, through “Breslov Nechamat Tzion – Shuvu Banim” under the leadership of Rav Yehuda Kremlovesky shlit”a, whose acquaintance with the young men caused him to push for the founding of the yeshiva.  In the morning, the shiur is giving over by Rav Yaakov Amzaleg shlit”a, and in the afternoon the young men learn with Rav Yaniv Aharoni shlit”a.

During the shiur, Rav Berland shlit”a spoke at length about the sale of Yosef HaTzaddik, and about the mercifulness of the holy Torah which placed boundaries even for someone who is liable to the death penalty, such as a Shabbat desecrator, that in order for the Sanhedrin to be able to execute him as the Torah commands, it’s necessary to prove that the time from the warning delivered by witnesses until the sin itself be just “toch kedei dibur” [a timespan of around 3 seconds], which is almost unheard of.

Afterwards, he spoke about the importance of niggunim (holy melodies) and dancing, and then spoke to the young men with great fervor against the blights of technology and that every young man who merits to throw away his impure device is like Avraham Avinu who merited to jump into a fiery furnace!

Over the course of the shiur, the Rav shlit”a explained the importance of the new yeshiva, since there are young men who can’t learn with the pressure that’s in yeshivas with the Masgiach standing over him and the like.  The Rav encouraged the students to learn the holy Torah.

After the shiur, the Rav blessed the young men to merit to ascend higher and higher in Torah and fear of Heaven in the way of Rabbeinu HaKadosh the “Flowing stream, source of wisdom” Rebbe Nachman zy”a.

Rav Eliezer Berland shlit”a delivers shiur to students of the new yeshiva
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