Home Shop Donations Pidyon Nefesh

Pidyon Nefesh

Suggested Donation: $1,800

Get your spiritual life insurance by making your pidyon occur monthly! Choose a recurring payment plan below or choose a one-time donation:

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While the RavBerland.com donation portal is temporary unavailable please use the following direct secure donation links:

For 1 time payment: https://donate.stripe.com/3cs3eo6KMcwncRq4gg

For monthly recurring payments: https://buy.stripe.com/dR67uEb127c3eZy6oq


Upon checkout there is a text box to enter names of your loved ones for a pidyon and blessing. 

Please enter your desired amount in U.S. Dollars.

Recommended donation amount is 1800 USD per name. Any amount over 360 dollars will be accepted as a pidyon nefesh.

Read about Pidyon Nefesh – CLICK HERE

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