The bigger souls are thrown further away

The bigger souls are thrown further away

Continuing the series of translations of Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s words from the You will succeed! book. Click HERE to buy the book in Hebrew.


The more gevurot (strength) a person has, and the bigger a yetzer hara a person has, the more he can merit to achieve a greater and loftier spiritual level.

Because: “Anyone who is greater than his friend, his yetzer hara is also greater” ( Tractate Succah, 50b).

And, “In the place where a baal teshuva stands, complete tzaddikim can’t stand.”

In every Jew, there is a very high soul, but the baalei teshuvas have the very highest souls, and that is why they were thrown into the depths of the klipot (realm of evil).

The greater and higher a soul a person has, the deeper he’s thrown into the klipot.


Daily Chizzuk: The biggest souls go through more difficulties

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