Tuesday of Parashat Beshalach — Prayers for Parnassa by Rabbi Eliezer Berland Shlit”a

Today, Tuesday of Parashat Beshalach, it is customary to read Parashat HaMan (the Torah portion of the manna) twice in Hebrew and once in its Aramaic translation. 

Also, to mark the occasion, we have translated some of Rav Berland’s prayers for parnassa (livelihood), the first of which makes reference to the Man:

To merit to the creation of the world anew, and to subdue all the arodim in the world and to bind the heels of Leah with the crown of Rachel through faith, joy, song, and dancing.  The head of the home is the root of all worlds

Ribono shel Olam – Master of the World, Who can do everything, let me merit to the creation of the world anew, the secret of “Bereishit – in the beginning,” the secret of “Rosh Bait – the head of the home,” the secret of “et Rashbi – with Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai,” were created the root of all the worlds, the secret of the goblet (Give’ah) (yud gimel x ayin bet = 936), the secret of Mordechai and Esther (= 936 plus 1), the secret of Matitiyahu and his sons (936 plus 1), because through Bereishit, repentance from love, we merit to the secret of “Shirat Av – the song of Av,” that we should merit to sing songs and melodies day and night (177), then we enter with our bodies to the Garden of Eden (177), like Serach bat Asher (1411), who entered with her body to the Garden of Eden, and all his thoughts were to destroy Esav, who is the root of evil, like Orpah, who was the root of evil for all generations, and through the word “Bereishit,” all of them are subdued, and we merit to the lights of Ain Sof, and to subdue the king of Arad (274), who is the root of all arodim [a type of venomous creature, probably a snake] in the world, which were created through the separation between the heels of Leah and the crown of Rachel, and this is “How lovely are your steps in shoes,” and when we join the legs of Leah with the crown of Rachel, and the crown of Rachel turns into the shoes of Leah, then Leah has shoes, in the secret of “a poor man for a pair of shoes,” and then there are shoes for the Shechinah [Divine presence] to descend below ten handbreadths, which we will merit to on Chanukah, because then the Shechinah receives shoes to descend to below ten handbreadths, and therefore “Yosef was taken down to Egypt,” to the place of the husks, because he already merited to shoes which shield him, that he merited to join the heels of Leah with the crown of Rachel, and then “on Edom, I will toss my shoe,” and this is the secret of “racham rachamataim for each man,” that a bounty of mercy was revealed in the merit of Yael, who turned into the Kohen Gadol, who is Eli, and from them came Abaye, that the law is like him in “B’YAeL KaGaM,” the secret of the milui of Ekyeh – KaMaG, because Yosef merited to rectify all the constrictions in the world, through the emunah (faith), simchah (joy), and dancing of twelve years, that he did not stop them for even one second, and only saw Hashem eye-to-eye, because Yael “severed his head, smashed and pierced his temple,” through her joining the heel of Leah with the crown of Rachel, and this is the secret of “go out in the tracks of the sheep,” which are Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov, who joined the heels of Leah with the crown of Rachel, that this is the secret of “laying bare the white on the rods,” and then Yaakov merited to join the heels of Leah with the crown of Rachel, and then was fulfilled his blessing “who bites the heels of a horse, and its rider falls backwards,” that he joined Rachel and Leah, and then Shimshon was born who brought down the entire house with millions of people in the merit of the eye which was uprooted, because there are “ekev (heel) = 172” words in the Ten Commandments, in order to join the heels of Leah with the crown of Rachel, and then the crown of Rachel turns into the shoe of Leah, and then “on Edom, I will toss my shoe,” and it’s not written “my sword” or “my spear” – only “my shoe,” because the moment that the heels of Leah turn into the crown of Rachel, then the end of  Esav will be awoken, as it says, “then the chiefs of Edom were stunned” “terror gripped the powers of Moav” (=274), Rachel Leah (= 274), that the moment that the heels of Leah are joined with the crown of Rachel, then “all the dwellers of Cana’an dissolved,” and the end of all haters of Israel will be awoken, which are Amon, Moav, and Edom, like in the days of Yehoshafat, that everyone gathered to Eyn Gedi — Edom, Moav, and Amon, and when Am Yisrael began to sing, immediately “Give thanks to Hashem, for His kindness is forever,” immediately the sword of [each] man was in his fellow, until they reached Kefar Yeru’el, found them all dead corpses, and Datan and Aviram who didn’t want to believe in the greatness of the miracle of the Man (manna), and went out on Shabbat day to gather from the Man, and blemished the secret of “Bereishit,” “Yarei Shabbat,” “Yarei Boshet” [which are all combinations of the letters of “Bereishit”], then all the arodim came out into the world, which harm mankind, “because woe to the person who is chanced upon by an arod, and woe to the arod who is chanced upon by Rabbi Chanina ben Dosa,” that already the heels of Leah were joined with the crown of Rachel, and through this he said to his daughter “He Who said to oil that it should be lit, shall say to vinegar that it shall be lit,” and it is impossible to join the heels of Leah with the crown of Rachel except through singing and dancing.

Prayer for a bounty of parnassa

Ribono shel Olam – Master of the World, Who can do everything, and that nothing can impede [Your] purpose from You, send me a bounty of parnassa, as Eliyahu (52) HaNavi (68) Zachor (233) LaTov (47) (400) promised, who was pure (220) of eyes (180) (=400), and learned Torah day and night, as it is written “Her candle (255) shall not (31) be extinguished (37) at night (77) (=400)” and that I should merit to the promise “the jug (24) of flour (153) did not (31) run out (455) and the flask (584) of oil (395) did not (31) lack (268) (=1941),” and that I should merit to be “bold (77) like a leopard (310), light (130) like an eagle (570), run (290) like a gazelle (122), mighty (211) like a lion (231) (=1941), to do the will of our Father in Heaven.

To merit to sweeten all the decrees, and to merit to a good livelihood, and to get out of all debts

Ribono shel Olam – Master of the World, Who can do everything, sweeten from us all the decrees, and that we shall get out of all debts, as Eliyahu (52) HaNavi (68) Zachor (233) LaTov (47) (=400) promised, that he was pure (220) of eyes (180) (=400), and that I shall never see any strange woman in the world, and no strange girl in the world, and that I should merit to a million Euros every second.

Good livelihood and to support people who learn Torah

Ribono shel Olam – Master of the World, let me merit to a million Euros every month, and let me merit that all the diamonds in the world should belong to me, as it is written “Odem (45) Pit’dah (98) Bareket (702) Nofech (150) Sapir (350) Yahalom (85) Leshem (370) Shevo (308) v’Achlamah (84) Tarshish (1210) Shoham (345) Yashpeh (395), and that I should merit to the greatest mind (sechel=350), and to enter with my body to the Garden of Eden, like Serach (508) (=5000) bat Asher, and that all my days I shall be in happiness, camaraderie (20) peace and friendship.  Please “[He Who] Sprouts (188) salvations (792), Creates (209) cures (693), Awesome (257) in Praises (841),” heal me completely, and that I should sleep well at night, and let me merit (87) to the verse “Place me (410) like a seal (474) on (100) Your heart (52), like a seal (474) on (100) Your arm (303) (=500), because strong like death is love, harsh like the grave is jealousy, its flashes are flashes of fire,” and that I shall merit to support all Torah scholars in the world, and to make the Torah great and to glorify it.

To merit to livelihood from Heaven and full trust in Hashem and to see the light of Hashem and to merit to a good name and good livelihood in holiness

Ribono shel Olam – Master of the World, Who can do everything, and that nothing can impede [Your] purpose from You, let me merit (87) to a bounty (480) of livelihood (395) from Heaven (395) (=1357), through my meriting to a good (17) name (480), and to unite the name (340) of the Holy One (415) Blessed (232) is He (12) (=1357), and fulfill in me the verse of Moshe Rabbeinu “he ascended (116) to (31) the mountain (210), and through this, fulfill in me the saying “that (30) Israel (541) will attain (381) success (48) (=1357),” and let me merit to the light (207) of the world (151), because I belong to the nation (477) of wonders (522) (plus 1=1358), and that I shall merit through a bounty of livelihood in holiness to fulfill what is said “and [he who] trusts (36) in Hashem (28), kindness (72) surrounds him (141),” Amen (91), and through this I shall merit to bring Mashiach (358) ben (52) Yosef (156) Mashiach (358) ben (52) David (14) (=1358), and through this I shall merit to bring the complete redemption, and to build the Holy Temple, speedily in our days, in the blink of an eye, Amen Netzach Selah Va’ed.

Prayers courtesy of “Machon Leket Tefilot.”  It’s possible to purchase Rav Berland’s booklet of prayers for parnassa and booklets of prayers on a wide range of other topics by calling 053-318-8237 or 02-628-8137, or through our website, both in English and Hebrew.


contact the tzaddik Rabbi Berland for a blessing
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  1. If you are looking for the Hebrew of the above prayers click on the link at the top of the page “Parashat HaMan”. Thank you mamash for these amazing translations! Starting praying them before work daily.


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