When is the Time to Learn Twice as Much? Letter from R’ Berland for Bein HaZmanim

For the occasion of Bein HaZmanim (summer break for Yeshivas and Kollels), our Rebbe Rav Eliezer Berland shlit”a wrote a chizzuk letter to all the fine bachurim (young Torah students) to strengthen themselves in learning more during Bein HaZmanin as the Chazon Ish says.  Likewise, the Rav shlit”a blesses the bachurim in his letter, that they should suffice to learn during Bein HaZmanim all areas of the holy Torah.

Below is a translation of the full letter which the Rav wrote during the last week:

Statement of chizzuk to all the bachurim from all the yeshivot and from all the preparatory programs during Bein HaZmanim, peace and blessings!!

The Chazon Ish said that during Bein HaZmanim it is possible to learn twice as much as during the regular learning session, because then there is no pressure and no Mashgiach who rebukes and limits the bachur, and the bachurim are free to learn as they wish, complete tractates and all the commentaries customary in the Lithuanian yeshivas.  In Lithuania, they would learn during Bein HaZmanim all the Eight Chapters of the Rambam [the Rambam’s introduction to Pirkei Avot] in-depth, with deep pilpul, that there are [found] all the foundations of Judaism, faith, and the foundations of Torah learning.

Therefore, we bless all the bachurim from all the yeshivot — may they live — that they should suffice during Bein HaZmanim [to learn] all the Eight Chapters of the Rambam and all the minor tractates like Avot d’Rabbi Natan, Hora’ot, Kritut, Me’ilah, Midot, and the rest of the Mishna’ot that they do not merit to learn during the regular learning session, and that now during Bein HaZmanim, it is possible to learn with all the depth and breadth, and by heart, forwards and backwards, all the tractates that are not learned during the regular learning session.  Now everyone is free to devote all his time and energy to suffice all that he did not suffice during the regular learning session, and through this, may they all merit to be like the Chazon Ish and Rav Shach, and exceeding us all is the Gaon of the last generation, the Rav and Gaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky ZiTzuKa”l.

With the blessing of the Torah

and with  great love

Eliezer Berland

contact the tzaddik Rabbi Berland for a blessing
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