Yahrzeit of Chesed L’Avraham, Rabbi Avraham Azulai ZT”L — New Prayer by R’ Berland Shlit”a

In honor of the holy yahrzeit of the kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Azulai zt”l (1570 – 24 Cheshvan 5404 [1643]), author of “Chesed L’Avraham,” and great-grandfather of the Chid”a, Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland shlit”a wrote a new prayer:


Prayer for Chesed L’Avraham!!

(Written in honor of the Yahrzeit, 24 Cheshvan 5784)

The Chesed L’Avraham was a Neshama (soul) who attained the level of Yechida [the highest level of the five levels of soul], in whose merit the entire Jewish people exist until this day


Please Hashem, in the merit of the Chesed L’Avraham, let us merit to reach the time of the Mashiach and the life of the World to Come, and let us merit to see the complete redemption and Mashiach ben David, and let us merit to see the Temple of fire descend from heaven, and Eliyahu HaNavi bring the offerings, and let us merit to offer them every day on their day — the Tamid offerings according to their order and the Musaf offerings according to their laws, and also let us merit to bring the Musaf offerings of Shabbat and the Musaf offerings of the Chag in their appointed times.

And through this, let us merit to the complete redemption, and that there shall no longer be exile.

With the blessing of the Torah

Eliezer Berland

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