Advice on eating and brachot

    eating and reciting blessings

    Rav Berland’s advice on eating and reciting blessings

    Continuing our translation of the book ‘Etzot HaNahal’, a compilation of Rav Eliezer Berland’s practical advice, based on the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.

    • The Rebbe says that if a person eats tasty things – then he’s empowering the evildoers. He’s enthroning the accursed [evildoers], he’s crowning the accursed gangsters. He’s empowering them, because he wants tasty things, and the face of the generation is like that of a dog.

    He’s crowning these evildoers, because he’s sunk in his lust for eating. He davka just wants tasty food, he seeks out food that is appetizing for him – not what he actually needs to be eating.[1]

    • Say very slowly: Baruch Atah Hashem Elokaynu Melech Ha-Olam, Boreh Mineh Mezonot.

    Really feel [that you’re talking to] the King of the World. Hashem is the King of the World! There is no other king in the world, only God. Only Hashem is the King. People aren’t ‘world leaders’ – they’re puppets, they’re nothing. They are only created from our sins. There is only One King in the world.[2]

    • Take 10 seconds to say a bracha (blessing). Hamotzae Lechem Min HaAretz – this is ten words, in ten seconds. Don’t say this in just two seconds. Pri ha-etz, pri Ha-adamah – all of these are nine seconds. Why say them in only two seconds?

    What’s going to happen, if you take a few seconds longer to say it?[3]

    [1] Commentary on Likutey Moharan Lesson 67.

    [2] Ibid

    [3] Commentary on Likutey Moharan 65.

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