Prayer to cleanse the blood #1

Rabbi Berland’s Prayer To Cleanse The Blood #1

The following is translated from Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s compendium of prayers in the Refuah Shleimah booklet. To get the prayer in the original Hebrew, you can buy the booklet HERE.

Master of the world, who can do anything, and from whom nothing is withheld, purify me and sanctify me in the blink (305) of an eye (130) = 435 in the merit of the Tzaddik (209) the foundation (80) of the world (146) = 435.

And purify me from all types of waste matter in my body, and in the merit of this may I love you with a love (13) without (42) limits (380) = 435. Please merciful and gracious, who can do anything, in one second You can cleanse (586) me (417) from all (90) and everything (56) +1 = 1150.

Please (52), my Father (13), who creates (253), everything (50), fulfill in me the verse, “I (61) will be (21) to him (36) a father (33) and he (18) will be (30) to Me (40) a son (82)”. Please, “[the One who] lives (18) forever (104) and exists (156) for eternity (178)” = 1150.

And in the merit of this, cleanse all my blood in the blink of an eye.

Please, G-d (31) who is full (71) of mercy (298) = 400, in the merit of Eliyahu (52) the prophet (68) who is remembered (233) for the good (47) = 400, heal me in the blink of an eye, and may I never need any doctors any more ever until the end of the days of my life.

Amen Netzach Selah Va’ed.


#100 Prayer to guard the eyes


Visit the A-Z of prayers by Rabbi Eliezer Berland, HERE.

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