Prayer to heal headache, nausea and sickness

Rabbi Berland’s Prayer To Heal Headache, Nausea And Sickness

The following is translated from Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s compendium of prayers in the Refuah Shleimah booklet. To get the prayer in the original Hebrew, you can buy the booklet HERE.


Master of the world who can do anything, ‘ancient (581) of all (54) ancient ones (640), hidden (511) of all (54) hidden ones (570)’ = 2300, “Creator (209) of remedies (693) awesome (257) in His praises (841)” –

Heal me in the blink of an eye with endless, great mercies (300) = 2300 and may all my headaches and sickness and nausea disappear, and I will no longer have any pains and no aching at all, and I will not need any operation at all.

And please, Hashem who is one (1), only that I should have grace and kindness in the eyes of everyone, and especially in Your eyes, like Queen Esther of whom it says, “and it was (421) that Esther (661) found (751) favor (58) in the eyes (142) of all (50) who saw her (206)” = 2300.


Visit the A-Z of prayers by Rabbi Eliezer Berland, HERE.


Prayer to regain consciousness

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