Prayers for Shalom Bayit #4

Prayers for Shalom Bayit

Prayers for Shalom Bayit #4

In keeping with Rabbi Berland’s instructions to translate a minimum of 10 prayers a week into English, we are continuing our new series of prayers, this time for Shalom Bayit.

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Master of the world who can do anything and from whom nothing is withheld, heal me in the blink of an eye and through this may I (my wife) merit to become pregnant immediately with a male son, about whom it’s said, “he will save (396) (401) Israel (541)” = 1350.

Please, Father, Merciful and Gracious One, grant me and my husband (wife) to be like the Cherubs (278) that were on the Ark of the Covenant.

Because, “You (406) chose us (666)” = 1350 from all the nations and You loved us and wanted us, and raised us up above all the languages and sanctified us with Your commandments”.

And grant me (93) true (461) Shalom (382) Bayit (412) +2 = 1350 and fulfill in us the verse, “Hashem (26) of Legions (499) is with us (166), our (86) refuge (345) is the G-d (46) of Yaakov (182) = 1350, Selah”.


Master of the world who can do anything and from whom nothing is withheld.

Grant me that there will be fulfilled in me and my husband (wife) the verse, “the righteous one (204) will flourish (298) like a date tree (660), like a cedar tree (228) of Levanon (140) he will grow tall (318)”.

And through this may I merit that there will be higher love and companionship (29) = 1877 between me and my husband (wife).

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And through this may we merit a male son in the blink of an eye, without any hindrances or interruptions at all.

And in the merit that I will be next to the Holy and awesome gravesite [of Rabbi Nachman], (262) open for me and my husband (wife) a heart (32) to hear (446) “the voice (136) of the living (68) G-d (86)”.

And through this fulfill in me and my husband (wife) the verse, “ be strong (115) and be strengthened (571) = 1877 for our nation and for the cities of our G-d”.

And may my wife (husband) and I merit to know the holy and awesome Tzadik, to know that “there is none (61) like You (463) our King (146) in this world and there is none like you in the life (58) of the world (151) to come (8)”.

And through this may I merit that there will be imbued in me the souls of Moshiach (358) the son of (52) Yosef (156) and Moshiach (358) the son of (52) David (14) = 1877 in the blink of an eye, who will build the Beit HaMikdash speedily in our days, in the blink of an eye.

Amen, Netzach, Selah, Va’ed.


Master of the world who can do anything, grant me a male son who is healthy and complete.

And I (my wife) will pass through the pregnancy with great ease, and give birth with great ease without an epidural and without an anesthetic injection, and not feel any pain or aching at all.

Please Hashem, “who (501) created (203) joy (656) and happiness (359) groom (458) and bride (61)” = 2238, may we merit to be together in love, companionship, peace and friendship.

And fulfill in my wife (me), “your wife (721) will flower (295) like a vine (153) on the haunches (642) of your home (432) = 2243; your sons will surround your table like olive saplings”.



Introductory prayer:

Standing here in this holy and awesome place, here where all the endless light is focused, and from here the light spreads out to the world, please Merciful and Gracious One, please act now with the greatness of Your kindness and Your endless mercy.

And please help me from now on forever to go in the path of humility and lowliness, and to love everyone in Israel with heart and soul.

And from now on to love my husband (wife) with all my 248 limbs and 365 sinews, and with all my strength.

And may I merit that the soul of the Tzadik will be imbued in me in all my 248 limbs and 365 sinews, and may I merit the blessing of the Tzadik, “to be like me, really”.


(The following is one long prayer:)

Please Merciful and Gracious One, who can do anything, and from whom nothing is withheld.

Light up my eyes with the endless lights and may I merit to be like the Tzadik and to see from one end of the world to the other, because, “You are good and do good to all, to the bad and the good”.

And grant me to get out of all my difficult and bitter lusts, and from all my impure and horrible thoughts, and may I merit to be a true Tzadik on the level of our holy Rabbi.

Please, Merciful and Gracious One, in your endless mercy, the Victor above all victors, grant me to be victorious in this terrible war which is raging in this world, which is to be victorious over the foul and blemished body.

Instead of it being a vessel for the endless light, I fell and blemished it from one extreme to the other, and instead of the body following after the neshamah, it’s all backwards with me and the neshamah follows after the body.


Please Merciful and Gracious One, in your endless mercy, the Mighty One over all mighty ones, my sins distance me and create a barrier between Your endless abundance which flows down to me always, day and night.

The One who is full of mercy, strengthen me and fortify me to truly trust in You.

May my thoughts not be confused by my immense sins. Strengthen me with immense and endless trust in You, because in truth You save me from all my sins and from all my endless transgressions.

And may I merit to fulfill the verse, “trust in Hashem forever more because Hashem is G-d the Everlasting Rock”.


And may I merit to remember all that was done with me from the time that my umbilical cord was cut, and from the time when my nefesh, ruach and neshamah entered me.

And may I merit to rectify completely everything that I went through in this reincarnation, and all that I went through in all my reincarnations.

And all that I went through in the ‘days of remembrance’ of all eight elders that remember the sight, taste and smell, and also the wise ones that drew out the seed, and the time when the seed was implanted into the fruit, and the time when the fruit became formed and took shape, and the time when the candle was lit, and the time when the fruit was cut from the tree.[1]

And may I be encompassed in the ninth elder that resides here who remembers the nothingness, and You alone know the meaning of these words, and all that I went through in all my reincarnations until today.


And through all of this, in the merit of our holy and awesome Rabbi who is the ninth elder, who is blind and who resides here, in his merit forgive me for all that I went through in all my reincarnations, whether unintentionally, intentionally, by force or by choice, in thought, speech and action,because You don’t want the death of the deceased, but rather his return from his ways and his life”.

You know that I don’t have any opening to speak against You, because You have done everything for my sake, and I have only relied on the merit of Your endless mercy, and in the merit of Your Thirteen Traits of Mercy, which never cease even for a moment.



[1] See the story of the first beggar, in Rebbe Nachman’s Tales of the Seven Beggars.


Prayer to be healed without operations nor doctors

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