Rabbi Berland Shlit”a to be Returned to Prison — Prayer Gathering in Ramla Wednesday

Prayer Gathering in Ramla -- Adar 5781

This Wednesday, October 27th, at 9 pm, we all gather, students and supporters of our Rebbe Rav Eliezer Berland shlit”a, at the prayer gathering and protest to nullify the terrible plan to return the Rav shlit”a to prison the following day, in spite of testimony from doctors that the Rav is health-wise unfit to spend even one day in imprisonment.

The gathering will take place in front of the Ayalon Prison in Ramla.  There will be a separate women’s section.  Ish bal ye’adar…

Buses will be leaving from all over Israel at a subsidized price of just 10 NIS.

In Jerusalem, buses will be leaving from 7:30 pm from Rechov Shivtey Yisrael, next to Toldos Aharon.

Other buses will be leaving from Bnei Brak, Kiryat Sefer, Ashdod, Elad, Rosh Ayin, and Tzfat.

For more information, dial the Kav HaMeda Breslov: 02-587-5777.

To take part in subsidizing buses around Israel and to help build a permanent tent you can donate here https://ravberland.com/shop/donate/

Cost per bus is 1000-3200 shekel depending on which part of the country.

Cost of tent is 5000 shekel

Cost of generator is 4000 shekel

The following are words from the Rabbanim of Shuvu Banim about the importance of attending the prayer gathering:

Rabbi Moshe Tzanani at prayer gathering in Ramla

The Tzaddik Rabbi Moshe Tzanani shlit”a:

“To all our dear Breslover Chasidim all over Israel: We are found in a very critical time…  What happens with our Rebbe Rav Berland is truly a matter of life and death.

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“This whole gathering is really important.  We all really need to come and cry about this.  The situation of our Rebbe the Rav is very bad.  G-d forbid that they should decide to put the Rav in prison, Hashem protect us.

“We need to arouse Heavenly mercy, to hope for a miracle, that G-d forbid, the Rav won’t enter prison.

“That we should hear good news…”

Rabbi Meir Malka and Rabbi Shlomo Elmeliach at prayer gathering in Ramla

The Tzaddik Rabbi Meir Malka shlit”a:

“Brothers and colleagues.  ‘It’s a time of distress for Yaakov and he will be saved from it…’  All of us are answering the call to gather as one man on Wednesday night.

“It’s necessary and required for everyone to come, all those to whom Rav Berland shlit”a is dear to him.  From every place — from the north, the south, the center.  Please everyone, gather together on Wednesday night at the big prayer gathering to arouse great Heavenly mercy anew for the peace of our Rebbe Rav Berland shlit”a, for the peace of the holy community, and for the salvation of all the Jewish people.

“Please everyone, far and near, arouse yourselves with a warm heart to come to arouse the highest Heavenly mercy with prayer and calling out, with the saying of the Tikun Klali, bezrat Hashem.

“‘The cry of the poor You hear, the scream of the destitute You listen to and save.’  There aren’t destitute ones like all of us today — [G-d] should hear the cry of all of us.  Please everyone, gather together with a new arousal; bezrat Hashem, on Wednesday we will gather in Ramla for prayer and calling out, and to arouse Heavenly mercy.  Hashem Yitbarach shall gaze and see our sorrow.

“Be strong and courageous.”

Video of Rabbi Moshe Tzanani:

Video of Rabbi Meir Malka:

contact the tzaddik Rabbi Berland for a blessing
rav berland tzaddik whatsapp group


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