GALLERY: Dedication of Torah Scroll in Memory of Shimon Heller z”l with Rav Berland Shlit”a

Rav Eliezer Berland shlit"a at completion of Torah scroll in memory of Shimon Heller z"l

Dedication of Torah scroll at the prayer hall of our Rebbe, Rav Eliezer Berland shlit”a on 29 Tevet 5782.

Every occasion of a Torah scroll dedication is exciting, all the more so when the Torah scroll was written for the ilui Neshama (elevation of the soul) of the young Shimon Heller z”l from Shuvu Banim.

For writing the final letters of the scroll, Rav Natan Heller, the scribe who wrote the scroll and the father of Shimon z”l, came along with his family and the long-standing students of the Rav to the house of the Rav shlit”a at around 6 pm.

Afterwards, the procession went out with the Torah scroll onto HaHoma HaShlishit Street, by way of Shivtei Yisrael to the prayer hall on Ido HaNavi 14.  There the Torah scroll was greeted with fiery dancing and simcha amongst a large audience.  Afterwards, they prayed Maariv and carried out a festive meal in the prayer hall.

Two video clips of the event:

Gallery of pictures from the Torah scroll dedication for ilui Neshama of Shimon Heller z”l.

Another gallery of photos courtesy of “Achrey HaTzaddik On-line.”

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