Let’s stop Coronavirus in its tracks – Prayers #2 out tomorrow!

Rabbi Berland’s Prayers #2 is out tomorrow!

Many months ago, back in November 2019, Rabbi Eliezer Berland, shlita, told the Shuvu Banim staff to make a big effort to print and translate as many of his prayers as they could.

The Rav said at that time that the geula depended on these prayers reaching every household.

Over the last few months, volunteers at Shuvu Banim have been working around the clock to try to get as many of the prayers as possible translated, printed, and also collected together in a collection called Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s Prayers.

That first book came out less than two months ago, but now we are ready to print the second in the series of collected prayers, called Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s Prayers for Health.

When we began translating these prayers, no-one had even heard of the Coronavirus, and there was no hint of the current situation the world finds itself in, where fears of a global pandemic are closing down travel and seeing whole communities go into lock down around the world.


At the the beginning of February, shortly before he was arrested by the Israeli authorities, Rabbi Berland warned his attendants that the decree of the Coronavirus was a very harsh one.

At that time, Rabbi Berland said:

“We will write a prayer and the decree will be cancelled. The prayer should be translated in all languages and read all over the world. With that the virus it will leave as quickly as it came leaving no trace behind.”

That prayer has subsequently been translated into more than 36 different languages, including most recently Farsi (Persian), the language spoken in Iran, and we have also included it in Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s Prayers for Health.


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There is no such thing as ‘coincidence’.

It is no coincidence that the decision was made to start translating a whole book full of prayers for health almost three months ago, when no-one had even heard of COVID-19.

It is no coincidence that Rabbi Berland went into prison immediately after writing this prayer to save people from the Coronavirus.

It is no coincidence that now so many people in Israel are also now finding themselves in ‘self-isolation’ as the virus spreads.

And it is no coincidence that Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s Prayers for Health – including the prayer to be saved from the Coronavirus – is being published to coincide with Purim.


For anyone with eyes to see, the hashgacha pratit is overwhelmingly obvious and undeniable.

We now have a golden opportunity to help the Tzaddik to stop the spread of the Coronavirus in its tracks.

When the book comes out, buy as many copies as you can, and send them to everyone you know. That way, you’ll be helping to fulfill the Rav’s wish that every home in the world should have some of his prayers, and also helping people to access a powerful source of spiritual protection against the Coronavirus.

We have listed the book on Amazon at the lowest price we can – it’s making no royalties at all in countries like Japan – in order to encourage as many people as possible to buy the book, and to get these prayers out there.

This Purim, let’s turn things around with the Coronavirus pandemic; let’s fulfill the words of the Tzaddik, and let’s help Rabbi Berland, shlita, in his quest to bring the geula the sweetest way possible.

Check back here tomorrow for the link to where you can buy the book on Amazon.

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