Issue 68: Timeline of events since Chanuka

Issue 68 Newsletter

Issue 68 of the Knishta Hada newsletter was just published

You can download the PDF (in Hebrew) below.

This issue sets out the timeline of the main events that have occurred since Rav Eliezer Berland, shlita, first announced the prayer gathering that was held in Hevron, on Zot Chanuka 5779, the eighth day of Chanuka.

Many of these developments have been covered here on the site in English, so we thought it would be useful to just give a brief recap of the events set down in Issue 68 of Knishta Hada.

On December 2, 2018, Rav Berland requests that 50,000 people from every background should gather together in Hevron, to pray for the success of Am Yisrael.

A little while later, the Rav reveals that the  matter is extremely urgent, and that the judgments hanging over the nation are so great, the Rav’s own life is under threat, God forbid. The Rav goes on to explain that the last set of harsh decrees were pushed off for six years, when the Rav took it upon himself to go into exile, and to be hounded, disgraced and ultimately imprisoned on trumped-up charges.

He explains that if the dinim aren’t cancelled via prayer and tehillim this time around, then the Arab nations will unleash a barrage of thousands of rocketstilim across Israel, that the Israeli army will be utterly powerless to prevent.

The Rav explains that only tehillim can stop the tillim, and that if we don’t do what’s required as a nation, then he will have to take to judgements upon himself again to try to sweeten them, and that this time, it will be much, much harder than anything that came before.

On December 8th, 2018, many thousands of people heed the Rav’s call to gather together in Hevron to pray, but it falls far short of the 50,000 required.

That same day, another cycle of terrorism and murder begins in Israel, that sees a pregnant mother and 8 others shot at a bus stop in the Westbank, and concludes with the awful murder of Yossi Cohen, the step-son of Rav Eliyahu Meirav.

The morning after the prayer gathering, the Israeli army reports that they’ve found a number of huge underground tunnels that have been dug by Hezbollah from Lebanon, miles into Israel territory.

But there is also a small light at this time, when a follower of the Rav who attends the Shuvu Banim Yeshiva in Jerusalem, David HaLevi, is saved from being stabbed by an Arab terrorist in the Old City by an open miracle.

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On January 1, 2019, the Jewish world is rocked by the news that the leader of Breslov chassidut in Tzfat, Rav Elazar Mordechai Koenig, z’tl, has passed away.

At this time, it’s reported that Rav Berland’s own health is extremely precarious, and that the Rav had even canceled his home visits and Torah classes, due to feelings seriously weakened. The Rav asks the community to recite 2,000 Tikun HaKlali for his recovery, that he shouldn’t be taken from the world before Pesach, God forbid.

Rav Berland’s note

24 hours later, more than 10,000 Tikun Haklalis have been said on behalf of the Rav, and the Rav starts to feel much better again, and resumes his prayers and visits across Israel.

Rav Matityahu Glazerson, shlita, who has known Rav Berland since the days they learned together as teenagers in Kfar Chassidim, puts out a number of videos where he’s found connections in the Torah Codes between Rav Berland and the coming of Moshiach and geula, including the following gematria:

Nitzotz Moshiach (spark of Moshiach) = 604

Eliezer Berland = 604

Zehu Moshiach Ben Yosef V’Dovid (this is Moshiach ben Yosef and Dovid) = 604

And all of this barely takes us up to Tu B’Shvat.

There are many more miracles and stories that could be recounted from this time, but in the meantime, let’s remember that Rav Berland has called the next prayer gathering, or azteret, for Rosh Chodesh Nisan – Motzae Shabbat, April 6th 2019, just a few short days before the Israeli elections.

Rav Berland announced this date many weeks before elections were called in Israel, and clearly so much is at stake, as the process of geula continues to speed up. Please mark the day in your calendars, and look out for information on how to register for the buses that will bring the public to the atzeret, that we’ll be publishing on the site.

There are big things afoot, that are harsh judgments that still need sweetening, and:

No one should be missing.

Knishta Hadar Issue 68


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