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The pursuit of happiness

...don’t know which way is ‘up’ most of the time at the moment. Last Wednesday evening, I went off to the prayer gathering at the Rav feeling in a pretty...

Rav Pinto: Coronavirus and all the disasters are happening because the geula is close

...where they could see very harsh decrees gathering on the horizon, but Rabbi Berland managed to sweeten them by taking tremendous suffering upon himself. == Recently, the kabbalist and the...

UPDATE: DELAYED TO LATER DATE TBA join the demonstration

...been held in prison in the harshest of conditions, even though he has committed absolutely no crime. We will all be gathering at the kever of the Shlah Hakadosh (in...

We are in the last 9 months of the Chevlei Moshiach

...Rav Sheinfeld participated in a keness (gathering) with the wider Shuvu Banim community in Jerusalem, where he said the following: ==== The Midrash Rabba asks in Parshat Vayikra: Why do...
Rav Shimon Badani

These are the sufferings of Moshiach – Rav Badani

...to Shuvu Banim gathering that he was addressing, when he made these comments. As is known, Rabbi Badani has frequently shown open gestures of friendship to Rabbi Berland, shlita, and...
The Vatican should return our treasures.

Kamtza and Bar Kamtza

...tradition was that the ‘biggest’ rabbis would sit at the head of the gathering, and would be asked their opinions last, in order not to skew others who had a...

Update from Rivka Levy in Uman

...to bribes. The State of Israel paid the Ukraine a massive bribe to bar the gathering for Uman, and the Breslov leaders are now desperately seeing if they can raise...

Rosh Hashana in the Shadow of Tzalmon

...this most uplifting gathering. Bezrat Hashem, Rabbi Berland will be released very soon, and the whole Jewish nation will leave our prisons along with him, too. ==== ==== ==== https://ravberland.com/we-are-in-the-last-9-months-of-the-chevlei-moshiach/...

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Shabbat Parshat Tazria with Rabbi Eliezer Berland Shlit”a

Also on Shabbat Tazria 5784, we merited to an uplifting Shabbat in the shadow of Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland shlit”a: On Erev Shabbat Kodesh, the Rav came out for Mincha about five minutes before candle...

The Red Heifer – In Every Prayer, A Person Turns into Ashes – Daily...

The Daily Shiur of Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland shlit”a, from Wednesday, Parshat Tzav, 18 Adar-Bet, after Maariv: So now, we are in the red heifer .  In another two days, we will read about...

Rav Berland Shlit”a Blesses the Matzah and Wine for Orphans of “HaBen Yakir Li”

Every year, the “HaBen Yakir Li” organization takes care of orphaned families of our community, providing Kimcha D’Pischa, matzah shemurah and wine, in order to fulfill the mitzvot of Passover according to their halachot. ...

Who Will Subdue Achashverosh? – Daily Chizzuk with Rabbi Eliezer Berland Shlit”a

The Daily Chizzuk with Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland shlit”a – Megillat Esther was said with Ruach HaKodesh Hannah was a prophetess.  The Zohar says that Hannah and Devorah were greater than Moshe Rabbeinu, because Moshe...