Prayer to be able to revive the dead

Rabbi Berland’s Prayer To Be Able To Revive The Dead

The following is translated from Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s compendium of prayers in the Refuah Shleimah booklet. To get the prayer in the original Hebrew, you can buy the booklet HERE.


Master of the world, who can do anything and from whom nothing is withheld, in the merit of Hashem who is One (1), Avraham (248) Yitzchak (208) Yaakov (188) Sarah (505) Rivka (307) Rachel (238) Leah (42) = 1737.

Heal me in the blink (305) of an eye (130) = 435 in the merit of the Tzaddik (209) the foundation (80) of the world (146) = 435 Rabbenu Nachman the son of Simcha the son of Faige.

Please Hashem, “who created (203) joy (656) and happiness (359) groom (458) and bride (61)” = 1732 may we merit that all of our prayers will be received immediately.

And I will be able to revive the dead, and to walk on my legs like any person.

And the Holy One (415) Blessed (228) is He (12) does not (67) forego (228) the reward of all (50) his creations (217)” = 1737, “a hind (46) sent off (459) who delivers (511) beautiful (380) sayings (251)” = 1737.


Prayer to not need an operation

contact the tzaddik Rabbi Berland for a blessing
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  1. Maître du monde, Qui peut tout faire, de Qui rien n’est retenu, par le mérite d’Hashem E’had (1), Avraham (248) Yitzchak (208) Yaakov (188) Sarah (505) Rivka (307) Rachel (238) Leah (42) = 1737.

    Guéris-moi en un clin (305) d’oeil (130) = 435 par le mérite du Tzaddik (209) la fondation (80) du monde (146) = 435 Rabbenu Nachman ben Simcha ben Faige.

    S’il Te plaît Hashem, “Qui a créé (203) joie (656) et bonheur (359) Chatan (458) et Kallah (61)” = 1732 puissions-nous mériter que toutes nos prières seront être reçues immédiatement.

    Et je serai capable de ressusciter les morts, et de marcher sur les jambes comme quiconque.
    “Et le Saint (415) Béni (228) Soit’Il (12) ne (67) renonce pas (228) à la récompense de toutes (50) Ses créations (217)” = 1737, “une biche (46) envoyée (459) qui délivre (511) de merveilleuses (380) paroles (251)” = 1737.

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