5784 is the Year of Redemption, The Words of Rav Berland Shlit”a Before the Arrival of Biden

5784 is the year of the redemption.  It is written in all the holy books, “The power (koach) of His deeds He declared to His people, to give to them the heritage of nations” (Tehilim 111:6), that in 5784 [784] is Koach (28) times Koach [28 times 28 = 784].  This is the moment of the redemption, when all the kings come to the Land of Israel; all the heads of state will come to the Land of Israel.

These are the holy words of our Rebbe Rav Eliezer Berland shlit”a which were given over yesterday, Tuesday night, the night of 3 Cheshvan 5784:

Tomorrow at 12:00 noon, Biden lands, the president of the whole world, the head of the whole world.  His entire goal is to give the Land of Israel to the Arabs; he is coming for this.  The first thing, he meets with Abu Mazen; then he will tell Israel: “I do not understand what you are doing here.  The Old City belongs to the Arabs.  Jerusalem belongs to the Arabs.”  He screams in all countries that this, everything, is two states.  He wants here two states.  To the Jews, he will give some corner, maybe in Savyon, maybe in Tzahala [two of the wealthiest areas in Israel], because they own all of Tel Aviv.  So Ramat Aviv they will not agree to give back; they will make protests against this.  However, it is exactly the opposite: Ramat Aviv certainly belongs to the Arabs, because Sheikh Munis [an Arab village abandoned shortly before the 1948 War of Independence] was there.

Everyone knew what Sheikh Munis is.  I was a fifteen-year-old child.  There was a giant convention there.  All the youth from Eilat to Metula, 150,000 young men and women came to Sheikh Munis.  This was the most central place in the Land of Israel.  There Ben Gurion gave his most famous sermon.  A sermon full of faith, that here are all the miracles and wonders.  I heard his speech.  He said that here everything is miracles, everything is Divine providence.  Someone [anti-religious] had to tell him words which,  chas v’shalom, it is forbidden to repeat them.

Ben Gurion said, “Know that here everything is miracles.  There is no ‘my power and the might of my hand’ here.  There is no wisdom of flesh of blood here.”  From Kastel, the Arabs fled without any gunfire.  From Biddu village, they fled without any gunfire.  From all the villages, they fled without any gunfire.  From Haifa, they fled without any gunfire.  From Tiveria, they fled without any gunfire.  From Tzfat, they fled without any gunfire.  From all the largest cities, they fled without any gunfire.  I was a ten-year-old child.  A arise at seven in the morning, and not a single Arab is found in the city.  From the municipality and below, it was all plots of Arabs.  Whoever knows how Haifa is built — so from the municipality and on, it is all Arabs.  It is all Arab neighborhoods.  All the lower part of the city is Arabs.  The port is Arabs.  Wadi Salib, Wadi Nisnas.  By them, these are the biggest gates.  More than three-fourths of Haifa belongs to the Arabs.  Wadi Rushmiya also belongs to the Arabs.  I lived there.  Now I was there, I visited my sister.  Everything is bridges; everything is new roads.

In any case, the invasion into Gaza has been put off in the meantime for at least two weeks.  The moment that Biden arrives, it is impossible to enter Gaza.  This is the poor Arabs, righteous Arabs, the Arabs without water, without electricity, abusing them, slaughtering them.  Now they publicized in all the newspapers in Belarus that the Jews have turned into Nazis, and the Arabs have turned into Jews.  Such abuses.  A million Arabs do not have food, do not have bread, do not have water, do not have electricity.

In any case, you need to know that the entering into Gaza has been put off.  This is only in the merit of the prayers of the women.  Because the entering into Gaza is the most dangerous thing in the world.  Narrow alleys a meter wide.  These are neighborhoods from 2000 years ago.  It is impossible to enter there with tanks.  The soldiers need to walk on foot, and Hamas is waiting for them.  He prepares himself to greet them with cookies, with cannons, with submachine guns, with grenades.  The most festive welcoming that can be.  They are considering a thousand soldiers who will fall, chas v’shalom, in the first wave of fire.  Only the women who took unto themselves books of Tehilim, three books of Tehilim every day — in the merit of these women, the invasion to Gaza has been put off.

We will find a better time to enter Gaza.  Also then, if they enter it will not help at all, because in one second, they have 100,000 missiles.  Half of Gaza is Hamas.  All of Gaza voted for Hamas.  Hamas rules in Gaza.  Half of Gaza is Hamas-niks — 100,000 Hamas-niks.  It is impossible to eliminate them.  No invasion will help.  Every day more missiles fly, more missiles, and more missiles.  In Haifa also, several missiles exploded.  Therefore, Biden says, we will return it to the Arabs.  Then no missiles will fly at all — this is the compromise, this is the resolution, this is the genius idea.  This is called creativity, to return Haifa to the Arabs.  Then in any case missiles will not fly there.  So we solved the entire problem.

You need to know that in the merit of the three books of Tehilim which the women took onto themselves, the invasion to Gaza was put off.  In other words, that thousands of soldiers who were supposed to be killed will yet be canceled completely; that they will discover a way without invading.  Invasion specifically is not needed.  Because in any case, if 100,000 missiles are destroyed, tomorrow they will have a million missiles.  Iran produces 100,000 missiles a day — ten days is a million missiles.  Straight away, this passes onto them by way of the tunnels, by way of Egypt.  The Egyptians alone pass this onto them.  If we destroy 100,000, there will be a million.  No invasion will help — nothing.  Only the Tehilim can help, Tehilim against missiles [tilim].  Not Iron dome and not Patriots.  Only Tehilim can eliminate the missiles.

This that the women say three books of Tehilim every day and decided to tuck in their hair [under a head covering].  No woman should let her hair out, no bride should let her hair out.  Whoever tucks in her hair will not be called Ashkenazi, they will not put her down.  She is not guilty that she was born Ashkenazi; this is not her choice.  What can she do?  So she tucks in a bit of hair.  Nothing happened.  The opposite.  You need praise her, give her a medal.

Young men need to burn all their pants — this is a terrible thing, this is a Torah prohibition.  It is forbidden to make the body stand out.  Your body is the body of the serpent.  When a women hears a whisper, “Shorten the dress,” this is the serpent whispering to her.  The Megaleh Amukot writes on page 191 that when a man looks at a woman, or a woman looks at a man with a gazing of sin, a gazing of transgression, then two serpents are joined together.  It is the serpent that says to look.  At that moment that the two serpents are joined together, Jews are killed, thousands of Jews.  When a woman lets her hair out, a thousand Jews are killed at that moment.  [If] she goes about exposed, at that moment an entire battalion is killed, and this is from friendly fire.

The moment that they enter Gaza, then the soldiers become confused.  They don’t know what are terrorists and what are Israelis.  They fire at entire battalions which are eliminated through friendly fire.  Therefore, only the women who cover their hair and go with long dresses, because it is forbidden to make the body stand out.  Also a young man, also a boy.  This is a male serpent, and this is a female serpent.  The Megaleh Amukot reveals that when two serpents are joined together, there is chaos (andarlamusiah).  Andar is the male, musiah is the female — it will become andarlamusiah, it will become killings.  All the killings are because people go short, because they roll up the sleeves, because young men wear tight-fitting [clothes].

You need to smash the Xiaomi at this moment.  This is a new Satan.  The Satan created this.  Everyone is buying the Xiaomi, and you need to smash this immediately.  This is what brings all the killings.  And therefore 1,500 children and young women, young men and babies were killed.  And now 199 were taken captive, and this will reach 300 in a little while, because they do not know exactly how many.  Hamas are not saying the exact number.  There is absolutely no access to them.  They want the Red Cross to enter and this does not work.  And they do not know what became of them, if they are torturing them, if they are cutting them into small pieces, burned completely, that they burned them, cut them.

This is not demons and not beasts, because it is impossible to insult the beasts.  It is forbidden to insult the beasts and compare them to such children of the Satan — they are worse than demons.  Rabbeinu says that the demons are the best in the world.  It is written that Rav Pappa had a demon and it would help him.  The demons came to help mankind.  Hamas are children of the Satan, they are the Satan itself.  This is a creation which the Satan created.  They are not in the image of God.  “For in the image of God, He made man” (Bereishit 9:6).  If “in the image of God, He made man,” then “The work of My hands are drowning in the sea, and you are singing song” (Sanhedrin 39b; Megilah 10b).  Hashem did not consent to the Egyptians drowning.  If Amram had not divorced Yocheved, then no Egyptian would have drowned.  He would have brought down such light that every Egyptian would have returned in repentance.

Like Batya bat Pharoah who made penitence.  At the moment that Moshe was born, such light came down that Batya bat Pharoah went down to immerse in the river.  She wanted to convert.  Even though there still were not the 613 commandments, but they knew that one has to immerse.  Precisely when she is going down to the river to immerse — Rashi says that she went down to immerse in order to convert, she sees Moshe.  “And she called his name Moshe, as she said ‘For from the water I drew him (meshitihu)'” (Shemot 2:10).  Moshe has ten names: Yekutiel, Avi Zanuch, Avigdor. His father called him “Tov,” his mother “Toviah,” but in the end the name of Batya is remembered, because she made real self-sacrifice, because everything goes according to the self-sacrifice.

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Today self-sacrifice is when a girl tucks in all her hair, goes with long clothes, burns the tight-fitting blouse.  Also a boy who burns his tight-fitting pants, this is self-sacrifice; to smash the Xiaomi, the smartphone.  The smartphone is a rag (smartut) — this is also the creation of the Satan.  All of Hamas is the creation of the Satan.  This is worse than demons, worse than predatory beasts, than lions, than serpents.  This is worse than a thousand serpents, than the serpent with seven heads.

Hamas is a serpent with 100,000 heads — kill 50,000 and 50,000 will remain.  It is a doubt whether the whole invasion will bring about results at all, because Hamas is endless; this is half the world.  In Belarus, they say that they are Palestinians.  All the world identifies [with them], and also there are protests for their benefit.  They [Hamas] say that everything belongs to us, the Land of Israel belongs to us, Tel Aviv belongs to us, Sheikh Munis belongs to us — everything belongs to them, and the world believes them.  Because all of these are the children of Satan himself.  Hamas are the children of the Satan, this is the decree of the Satan.

Inasmuch as the learning year has already begun [in Yeshivot and Kollelim], and they need to learn Gemara, every day ten folio pages, then for men we will shorten it.  Instead of men reading every day the book or three books of Tehilim, it is enough that they will read one book amongst the five in which the book of Tehilim is divided.  One needs to read every day one book in order to suffice every day ten folio-pages of Gemara.  Also we need to pray a long Amidah, because only that is what can bring the redemption and destroy the children of the Satan who have taken over the Land of Israel.

The Arabs are ready to give Israel endless territory, but only in the Sahara Desert, or in Uganda, or in another place.  Therefore, in order to bring the complete redemption, this is dependent only on the prayer of the girls, on the modesty of the girls.

And through this, we shall merit to a complete redemption, speedily in our days, Amen.

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