The Moment that Moshe was Born, They Already Knew About the Redemption – Daily Chizzuk

The Daily Chizzuk by Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland shlit”a – Disparagement saves from death

Sunday, 28 Adar-Bet 5784

Esther grew up all her life without a mother or father.  She only danced with Hashem.  She only prayed to Hashem, only saw Hashem.

Mordechai was her mentor.  In the end, he married her.  She only saw Hashem.  She reached the house of idols, the palace of Achashveirosh, and said, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me” (Tehilim 22:2).

Why?  Because she called Achashveirosh a dog!  “Rescue my soul from the sword, my essence from the grip of the dog” (ibid. 21).  After Esther called him a dog, Hashem Yitbarach said, “I wanted for him to die, and you called him a dog and disparaged him.”

Even though this was between her and herself, every disparagement that is done to a person, then [if] he is liable to death; the disparagement saves him from death, the aspect of legs, because Esther is the legs.  Esther is the epitome of concealment.

It is written in Likutey Halachot (Yoreh Deah, section 2), that Esther encompasses all people.  Esther encompasses all people.  Every woman has a spark from Queen Esther, and all the righteous women in the world are sparks of Queen Esther.

Because Mordechai is a reincarnation of Moshe, the Yesod of Moshe, and Moshe is above Mazal (the constellations), above nature.

Whatever was is what will be, that the main thing is to bind oneself to and be included in [the aspect that is] above time.  Purim is above time.  Therefore, all the holidays will be nullified except for Purim.

Moshe died in Adar, because Adar is the last month.  Therefore, they intercalate Adar-Bet, because through Adar-Bet, we merit to see above time, the aspect of Moshe.

The wicked Haman, may his name be erased, didn’t know that Moshe was also born on 7 Adar.  Moshe was born and passed away on the same day.  Because Hashem wanted Moshe to die on Shavuot.  Hashem [as it were] sought for him to die on Shavuot.  Hashem said to him, “I want for you die on the day that you were born, because this is the greatest segulah.”

Moshe, the same day that he was born is the day on which he died.  The main thing is that the soul of Moshe descended to the world.  The moment that he was born, they already knew about the redemption.  It’s written, “For he told them that he was a Jew” (Esther 3:4), because Mordechai was Moshe mamash, who is above time.

Therefore, Moshe died in Adar, because Adar-Bet is above time.

And Esther came to the palace of Achashveirosh, because Esther encompasses all women in all generation; she encompasses all generations.  Therefore, Esther subdued Achashveirosh.  Therefore, Mordechai permitted her to enter Achashveirosh’s palace.

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She is the God-fearing woman who encompasses all the women in the world.  All of this is brought in Likutey Halachot (Milah 4:24), that Esther encompasses all the women in the world until the end of all generations – Miram the prophetess.  She [Esther] encompasses all of them.

Esther returned the Shin-Ayin multitude lights (3,700,000).  Therefore, it’s called a Maaseh [incident – Mem-Ayin-Shin-Heh] – Shin-Ayin multitude lights.

Esther already knew that now I’m already lost – it’s over.  Now, from the day [that he knows] that I am a Jew, he will hang me.

He will tell her: “What, you’re a Jew?  Aren’t you ashamed?  A scornful Jew.  A leper is trying to touch the king.”

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