A Husband Needs to Honor his Wife — Daily Chizzuk by Rabbi Eliezer Berland Shlit”a

Daily Chizzuk by our Rebbe Rav Eliezer Berland shlit”a: “A husband needs to honor his wife and appreciate everything that she does for him.”

Wednesday, 5 Nisan 5782

These are his holy words:

“The Zohar says: If you don’t know to say to your wife, ‘Many daughters did valor, but you surpassed them all’ (Mishlei 31: 29) — don’t get married.

“Who told you to get married?  Who asked for you to get married?

“You need to tell her every day, ‘Many daughters did valor.’  Don’t tell her: ‘My mother cooked better.  My sister cooked better.  By the neighbor, the food tastes better’ — then you go straight to the Rabbinate [e.g. divorce].

“Or now before Passover, the woman works with the tweezers, with the pins — in wooden beds, there are many cracks.  She works on this three days and three nights; doesn’t sleep and doesn’t eat.  She removes all the crumbs of the wafers which they ate all year long.

“And he, poor thing, was now in Uman, and for three days hadn’t eaten; there’s a war there.  Now he arrives for Passover.  He arrives with a package of wafers and lies down on the bed.  For three days, he didn’t eat.  I understand him. I’m for him. I’m on the side of the men, but he eats the wafers in the bed after Ema cleaned out all the crumbs.

“You now bring for her two kilogram of wafers.  You bring for her because you didn’t eat for three days, because you were in Uman, and there was no food.  Now there’s a war; there’s no food there.  Until you cross the borders and everything.  Today you don’t need passports; cross without passports.

“All the beds were filled up with crumbs over again, after she cleaned for three days and [if?] you are her son, she can’t do anything.  But a husband — they’ll go straight to the Rabbinate and that’s it.

“So if a husband doesn’t understand that he needs to honor what his wife does for him — especially now, when we’re doing the cleaning for Passover.”

Happy and Kosher Passover to us and all the Jewish people.

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