Chizzuk Letter from Rav Berland to Kollel in Uman

Dancing at Rebbe Nachman's grave, Uman, 25 Elul 5783 -- Photo courtesy of Breslov Netzach Netzachim

A letter of Chizzuk which Rav Eliezer Berland shlit”a wrote on 25 Elul, the day of the creation of the world, to those who merit to devote themselves to Torah in the city of longing, Uman, at the grave of Rabbeinu Nachman of Breslov zy”a.

Chizzuk Letter to Kollel in Uman

The supremely Holy, who have sanctified their lives to learn and teach all of Shas, all the Shulchan Aruch, all the Rambam, all the Turim, day and night 177 without pause, without exhaustion, and who make their nights like days to learn and teach the Torah of Hashem, and through this, that they merit to learn all of Shas and to learn by the holy and awesome grave, may they merit, they and their wives, sons, and daughters until the end of all generations, to enter with their bodies into the Garden of Eden 177 and to see the complete redemption speedily in our days, and the coming of Mashiach ben David, Amen, Netzach, Selah, Va’ed

With the blessing of the Torah and much love

Eliezer Berland

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