Every Girl Should Go to Mama Rochel and Say Tehilim There Until the War Finishes – Daily Shiur

The Daily Shiur of Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland shlit”a, from Tuesday, Parshat Teruma, the night of 5 Adar-Alef, after Maariv:

Every day three bachurim [young men] are killed.  Now today three bachurei yeshiva were killed – holy and pure Tzaddikim.  Every day, three are killed.  This is [because] people still do not break the Xiaomi.  Every girl should break her Xiaomi, every boy should break his Xiaomi.  And every girl should go with [a dress] that reaches down to the ankles, also those born in Meah Shearim.

Every girl should travel to Rachel’s Tomb every day until the war finishes. – this is until Passover.  Because they are progressing house by house.  So all the girls, without exception, must go to Rachel’s Tomb every day, to Mama Rochel, to be there a whole hour and to say Tehilim there.  Bezrat Hashem, the complete redemption will come speedily in our days, Amen!

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