“To Gather and Defend Their Souls” – Gathering Against the Pitfalls of Technology with Rabbi Eliezer Berland Shlit”a

“The internet is Amalek!”  As is known to everyone, Moreinu HaRav Berland shlit”a already in the year 1999 warned publicly about a coming holocaust on the Jewish people, and this wouldn’t be a physical holocaust, but a spiritual one.  This is referring to the internet and smartphones which would annihilate every drop of good from the Jewish people, and one who desires life shall guard his soul and the souls of his children from this technological innovation which leads one straight to Gehinnom.  Since then, twenty-five years have passed, and the grim reality today is evident to everyone.   Those who were fortunate to heed the advice of the Tzaddik to guard themselves merit a tranquil and serene soul.  And those who did not merit wander about like the living dead, as their soul is scarred until its root.  Torah and Mitzvot, longing and yearning, and closeness to Hashem appear more distant than ever for them.

Only in the past year, something happened, as the Tzaddik has said:  The Satan is more experienced and more of a veteran than everyone and brought the most Treif (non-kosher) of them all – the Xiaomi, which from the outside, seems like a simple cellphone, and says, “I am kosher,” but inside, it is a bottomless hell!  Due to this great evil, several energetic Avreichim (kollel students) of our holy community took onto themselves to replicate what took place at the Hanukkah conference of the youth group this year, when Moreinu HaRav shlit”a asked the young men to sign a commitment to stay away from all the plagues of technology.  Thus, they embarked on the campaign “Ashreichem” for Avreichim of the Shuvu Banim community, and for all those who dwell in the shadow of the Tzaddik.  To expedite the matter, with the blessing of the Tzaddik, it was decided to hold a conference on the night of 14 Adar-Alef, Purim Katan, after Ma’ariv in our Beit Midrash, to awaken and strengthen the great need for distancing and abstaining from the harms of technology.

The gathering was opened by Rabbi Itamar Raphael shlit”a, who eloquently explained the importance of distancing oneself from technological devices and how can much it can save souls from destruction.  After his words, the musical orchestra burst into songs of simcha, especially Purim songs, and our community danced in fiery circles with great joy and enthusiasm.  Following the song, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Galinsky spoke, also strengthening and awakening about the need to guard against the harms of technology.  After his speech, just before Moreinu HaRav shlit”a entered the gathering, the orchestra played songs of feeling and arousal.

Moreinu HaRav shlit”a began his holy discourse with holy fire against the plagues of technology.  During the course of the shiur, the Rav mamash delved into details of how a person falls into the bottom pit of hell, loses everything dear to him, while even the children of someone who has internet will be sinners.  The Rav shlit”a said that today, Amalek and Haman are the internet.  He added that the true war is against the internet, and that the true Hamas is the internet which causes all the tragedies and murders, may God protect us.  Likewise, he said that the reason that the hostages are still being held in Gaza is because not everyone has strengthened themselves enough to break the Xiaomi.

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