Amazon has banned Rabbi Berland’s Book of Prayers #2

Amazon Bans Rabbi Berland’s Book of Prayers #2

Many readers wanted to know why we didn’t update THIS POST with the link for where to buy Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s new Prayers for Health book, which contains the prayer to be saved from the Coronavirus.

The short answer is, that Amazon is refusing to put the book up for sale on their website, but is giving no official reason for why it can’t go up, other than to say they are having ‘technical difficulties’.

Clearly, getting this book out into the world is going to achieve some big things in the fight to protect more people from the Coronavirus, and to encourage them to make teshuva, and to get connect them more closely to the Tzaddik HaDor, Rabbi Eliezer Berland, shlita.


We just received the following email from Amazon:



So, after much prayer, we are trying a few different things to get this book, and also the Coronavirus prayer, out there more widely.



Firstly, we’ve put up a new website at: which makes it super easy for visitors to find the prayer in any language they want. You can find the link below, and please send it along to as many people as you can:

join our whatsapp group
rav berland tzaddik whatsapp group

Pray Now to cancel the Coronavirus


Next, we’ve just put the downloadable PDF of Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s Prayers for Health for sale on the site HERE, where you can get it for just $2.

We also have a Kindle version of the book available, for the same price.


Lastly, we are getting a quote to try to print 1000 copies of the book hardcopy in Israel, so that people will be able to pick it up in Jerusalem (any nationwide lockdown notwithstanding).

If you’d like to contribute to that, please get in touch.


Rabbi Berland has told us on so many occasions that everything depends on more of his prayers being translated and reaching every home across the globe.

As the Coronavirus is also spreading, we appear to be in a race against time, to turn the tide and to help more people connect to the Tzaddik, and to the kedusha and prayers that will serve as the most powerful spiritual protection against any form of harm at this point in time.

And we need your help to do that.


Leading Kabbalist’s stark warning that talking against Rav Berland is linked to coronavirus COVID-19

contact the tzaddik Rabbi Berland for a blessing
rav berland tzaddik whatsapp group


  1. Thank you very much!

    Just to let you know, this file is an “ePub” format file. Amazon Kindles cannot display these natively, but you can use any of numerous online converter websites to convert it to the “mobi” format, which can be manually loaded into a Kindle.

    This website converted it nice and cleanly for me:

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