Prayer for Kever Rachel – Bloodshed on the streets

Rav Berland praying at Kever Rachel


Yesterday, October 31, 2017, at the exact same minute that Rav Berland left his house to head to Kever Rachel to pray there with his community, an Islamic terrorist began his truck attack in downtown New York, which killed eight people.

“The Rav left his house at 10:04pm, Israeli time, and the attack began at 10:05pm, Israeli time,” says one eye-witness.

Earlier, the Rav had distributed a lengthy prayer to his followers and via the Shuvu Banim Hebrew website, to be said at Kever Rochel, which included the following:

“Ribbonu shel Olam, for Whom everything is possible…at this holy, awesome moment, when I’m stretched out on the holy, awesome kever (grave) of Rachel Imenu. Please grant us, from your abundant mercy and your abundant, infinite kindness, in the merit of Rachel Imenu, that I should be worthy of weeping tears, day and night, over JEWISH blood that’s being shed, [the blood of] your holy nation, which is being cried over day and night, [and which is being shed] in the streets of the city, and in the city’s suburbs, and no one opens their mouth or utters a sound (lit: there is no tweet[1]) about it.”

At the same exact minute that the Rav and his followers left his building in Morasha, Jerusalem, to head towards Kever Rachel on the outskirts of Bethlehem to say this prayer at Rachel’s grave, the terrorist struck ‘on the streets of the city’, and shed the blood of at least eight innocent bystanders.


Every person is a world, every soul is a universe, so we mourn the eight people who were killed. But initial reports from the scene suggest that a number of miracles prevented the carnage from being much worse.

The following was reported by Fox news, shortly after the incident:

“[T]he attack in Lower Manhattan was aimed at inflicting maximum carnage. Schools in the area were letting out students shortly after three o’clock when Saipov drove his rented truck off West Houston Street onto the bike path.

“There was no shortage of targets. The streets between West Houston and Chambers were crowded with parents picking up their costumed children prepared for an evening of trick-or-treating. Pedestrians and bikers on the Hudson River bike path were stunned and helpless as Saipov [the terrorist] careened his weapon through the crowd.”

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The school bus rammed by the terrorist apparently only contained two school children, both of whom were sitting on the side furthest away from the terrorist’s truck. It’s also very surprising that an ISIS operative would carry out a terror attack in the US, where gun ownership is commonplace, apparently armed with just a paintball rifle and a pellet gun.

Lastly, in a similar truck attack carried out in Marseille last year, more than 90 people died before the terrorist was killed by French police.


Earlier, Rav Berland also recorded a shiur that was distributed to many thousands of people, where he reiterated how saying the Tikkun Haklali three times a day can save a person from murderous terrorists, and even bombs. (See the image, below):

How reciting the Tikkun Haklali saves us from murderers

As more and more cities are coming under terrorist attack, the best way to defend ourselves is to turn to our Father in Heaven, beseech His mercy, and to pour out our hearts in reciting our Tikkun Haklalis.

[1] It’s interesting to note that President Donald Trump’s main form of communicating with the public has typically been via the ‘Twitter’ social media network.

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  1. Ribbono chel Olam, de Qui tout est possible… À ce Saint, Incroyable moment, quand je suis étendu sur le Saint, incroyable Kever de Rachel Imenou. S’il Te plaît, accorde-nous, de Ton abondante miséricorde et de Ton abondance, bonté infinie, par le mérite de Rachel Imenou, que je devrais être digne de me déverser en pleurs, jour et nuit, sur le sang qui est en train d’être versé [le sang] de la Nation Juive qui est en train d’être crié jour et nuit, [qui est en train d’être versé] dans les rues, et les banlieues, et personne ne peut ouvrir sa bouche ou prononcer un son (Littéralement : il n’y a pas de tweet [1]) à ce propos.

    [1] C’est intéressant de noter que la principale forme de média de communication du Président Donald Trump avec le public est typiquement via le réseau social ‘Twitter’.

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