The Secret of the Humility of Yehoshua

The Daily Ma’amar of our Rebbe Rav Eliezer Berland Shlit”a, Sunday 15 Sivan 5783, courtesy of the “Hashem Hu HaElokim” leaflet:

When Moshe saw the humility of Yehoshua, which is the secret of the Yud of Sarah [when she was called “Sarai”] which was joined to the name Hoshea, and when Moshe saw how the Yud of Sarai enters the name of Yehoshua, Moshe immediately blessed him: May Yah [God] save you from the counsel of the spies.

Because the spies had a plan of how to kill Yehoshua bin Nun, that according to their thinking, after he heard Eldad and Medad say “Moshe dies and Yehoshua brings [the people] in [to the land],” and they went about the entire camp with a megaphone, announcing “Moshe Tanuach Nafshecha B’gan Elokim, Yehoshua Makhnis — Moshe, may your soul rest in the Garden of God, Yehoshua is bringing in,” the initial letters of “Mitnab’im – prophesizing” (Bamidbar 11:27 and Baal HaTurim).

The Asarah Ma’amarot says: They did not understand that the whole intention of this prophecy was only the announcement of the revival of the dead, because the moment that Moshe would die, immediately the next stage would be the revival of the dead.

For Eliyahu HaNavi brings to Divine inspiration, and Divine inspiration brings to revival of the dead.  For the land of Israel is called the “land of the living” – the land whose dead are revived first.  For Eliyahu HaNavi will come three days before Mashiach and at their conclusion will announce the redemption.  For the moment that Eliyahu HaNavi will appear in the open and announce the coming of Mashiach – because Eliyahu HaNavi left his body in the lower Garden of Eden = 177 and ascended with his soul to the upper Garden of Eden.

And therefore, everything is accomplished through the Yud of Sarai which Yehoshua bin Nun received, for the Yud is the ten types of melody with which Yehoshua bin Nun would conquer the land of Israel, as it is written in “Tuv Ha’aretz”: The initial letters of Eretz Kana’an – “Kinor Na’im Im Navel – the sweet harp with the lyre” (Tehilim 81:3) – the initial letters of Eretz Kana’an, that the conquering of the land would be through the hearing of the ten types of melody which are alluded to in the Yud of Sarai.

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