“There are No Evildoers among the Jewish People” – Daily Chizzuk by Rav Eliezer Berland Shlit”a

Rav Eliezer Berland shlit"a: There are no evildoers amongst the Jewish people

Wednesday, 13 Adar Bet 5782

These are his holy words:

The Jewish people are a golden menorah – all of them, because there are no evildoers amongst the Jewish people.  There is no such thing as this, an evildoer.

This is only a sort of klipah [husk].  Even the most wicked person will do teshuva [return to Judaism] in a second.

So the Jewish people are all called a golden menorah – all of them.

The Rav’s holy words take us back to the historic event in which the Rav spoke at Yad Eliyahu Stadium along with Maran Rav Ovadia Yosef zt”l, in an event that will be remembered for generations:

Rabotai, know that there are no evildoers amongst the Jewish people.

This only appears for a moment, for a second, for a thousandth of a second.  One smile, one good word, and he does teshuva.  He’ll yet be a greater tzaddik than us…

There are no evildoers amongst the Jewish people.  Everyone is in a search for the path.  Everyone wants to reveal the path.

From every single Jew emerge incredible niggunim (melodies).  Rebbe Nachman of Breslov says in [Likutey Moharan] Torah 282: There are no evildoers amongst the Jewish people.  From every Jew incredible niggunim emerge.

Every Jew is a wondrous diamond.  Every Jew is a gem, only let’s pick up the grain of sand.  We need to polish it a little bit, to rub it.

Then we see a gem which shines with bright light.

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