Prayer for the new month of Kislev, 5779

The letter of Rav Berland

Prayer for the molad (new moon) of Kislev, 5779

A prayer written by Rav Eliezer Berland, shlita, especially for the new moon of Kislev, 5779:

[A prayer] to immediately merit to be encompassed in the [twelve] tribes from the Molad (time of the new moon) on, and to see miracles and wonders that were never seen in the days of the world – even more than the miracles of Chanukah and Pesach, and the splitting of the Red Sea

“Molad for the Month of Kislev”

Master of the World, who can do everything, in the merit of the Molad of the month of Kislev, that will be on Thursday morning at 9:24am and 12 ‘chalakim’, against the 12 tribes, that one will be encompassed within the other.

May I merit to see the miracles of Chanukah immediately from the time of the Molad, and at that same moment that the Molad begins, may I also see the how the armies of Greece and Rome will fall in the blink of an eye, and how all of the armies of Aram will be nullified, as well as the army of Greece, and the army of Rome, against the Chashmonaim, the High Priests.

And from the moment of the Molad, we will see unlimited and unfathomable great miracles and wonders, greater than the miracles of Chanukah, greater than all the miracles, greater than the miracles of Pesach, greater than the miracles of splitting the Red Sea, and there will be fulfilled for us, the verse:

“Just like the days when you left Egypt, I will show you wonders”.

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