Prayer for the Molad of Adar, 5780

Rabbi Berland’s Prayer for the Molad of Adar, 5780

To merit miracles, wonders, to the complete redemption, and to the downfall of the ”Achashverosh, Haman, Vashti, and all of his children” of our generation.

The redemption begins from the moment of the molad

The molad of the month of Adar

Sunday night 9:09 and ten parts

Master of the world, All Powerful, grant me the merit during the molad of the month of Adar to see miracles and wonders just like during the days of Mordechai and Esther, the secret of the goblet, the secret of Matisyahu and his children.

Please G-d, grant me the merit to see miracles and wonders eye to eye.

Just like it is written, ”Because they will see eye to eye when G-d will return to Zion.”

Please G-d, the month of Adar, the month of the redemption, and the redemption begins from the moment of the molad.

Please Master of the world, All Powerful, that Your plan will not be diminished, grant me the merit during the moment of the molad to miracles and wonders that You have done. And we should merit to see the downfall of Achashverosh, Vashti and Haman.

And just like You hung Haman and his ten children 2,500 years ago, so too You should hang now as well during the moment of the molad the ”Haman and his ten children of our generation.”


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