Prayers for Yeladim Tzaddikim #4

Rabbi Berland’s Prayers for Holy Children, #4

Continuing the new series of translated prayers, this time from the booklet of prayers by Rabbi Berland to have Children Who Are Tzaddikim.


#30: Master of the world who can do anything, from whom nothing is withheld, grant me the merit to raise my sons and daughters with holy and pure thoughts.

Only for the sake of Your great and awesome name which is called for me.

And may I sanctify Your name at every moment and minute with pure and holy thoughts, and at each and every moment may I place before my eyes Your great and awesome name, yud kei vav kei, and all of my actions and thoughts and words will be only according to Your great and awesome name.

And may I always be attached to You, with song and dance, with pleasantness and melody.

And may I fulfil the verse, “and my melodies I will play for the house of G-d all the days of my life” and may I only sing and chant to You, me and my sons and my daughters and all my descendants.

And may I raise them to Torah and good deeds, through song and melody, and may they know no lacking ever.

And may all my actions, speech and thoughts be only be truly for the sake of heaven, and may I be attached to You without pausing for a moment at all, and without pausing for a second at all, until I will merit to see You face to face, like the children of Israel at Mount Sinai.

And the name of Havaya will not leave from before my eyes even for a small moment.

Please, Merciful and Gracious One, grant me the merit of true humility and lowliness, and may I know true lowliness.

And from now and forever may I serve you only with truth and simplicity, and may all my intention be only to truly serve You, me and my wife (husband), my sons and my daughters.

And may I merit the verse, “I am Your servant the son of Your maidservant”.

And may I merit to be the attendant to Your glory and honor, like Miriam the prophetess who went out with drums and dancing, and like Devorah the prophetess who sang on Mount Tabor and redeemed the nation of Israel from all its suffering, and like Yael who merited to kill Sisera.

So too grant me the merit to bring the Redemption closer and the building of Jerusalem through my good deeds.

And may I begin to bring myself closer to You in truth and simplicity, and at every moment and second. And fulfill in me the scripture which is written about our Matriarch Sarah, “Hashem knows the days of simplicity and their inheritance, they will be forever”.

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So too, grant me the merit to be the most simple and genuine in the generation, and to cling to You in truth and simplicity at every moment and second.

And may all my actions be sourced in the simplicity of truth, and may I yearn and long for only the truth of truth at every moment and second, until You will be revealed to me, face to face, like You revealed Yourself to Moshe the faithful shepherd

And in the merit of this may we all merit the building of the Beit HaMikdash speedily and in our days, Amen.


  1. Master of the world who can do anything, grant me the merit to be, “a hind sent off who delivers beautiful sayings”.

And may I merit to be truly righteous, like our holy and awesome teacher (Rabbenu) and all the days of our lives, may me and my husband (wife) merit to be always like a bride and groom.

Like it’s written, “who made (203) joy (656) and happiness (359) groom (458) and bride (61) = 1237”.

And may I merit that my husband (I) and my children will learn Torah day and night and pray day and night because prayer and Torah (622) are equal (441) against (77) all (50) the Mitzvot (547) = 1237.


32. Master of the world who can do anything and from whom nothing is withheld.

Grant me the merit to pour out my heart like water before You, and grant me the merit that all my sons and daughters will go in the path of Hashem, and will merit to be the most righteous in the generation.

And the soul of our holy teacher (Rabbenu HaKadosh) will be imbued in all of them.

Please Merciful and Gracious One who can do anything, please hear my voice, my supplications, “I love Him, because Hashem hears my voice, my supplications”.

And fulfill in me the verse, “show me (276) (401) your appearance (271) let me hear (495) (401) your voice (156)” and may I merit in every thought, speech and action to unify the Holy (415) Name (415) Blessed (232) is He (12).

And through this may I merit the revelation of Eliyahu (52) the Prophet (68) who is remembered (233) for good (47) = 3400, who will be imbued in my sons and daughters, about whom it is said, “and he will return the heart of the fathers to the sons and the heart of the sons to their fathers lest I come and smite the land desolate”.

And perform for me great things and hidden things that never before occurred.

Like it’s written, “and He said, behold, I make a covenant in front of all your nation I will perform wonders which were never created before in all the land and in all the nations, and all the nation from whom you are among will see the acts of G-d which are awesome that I will perform for you”.

And the verse, “you have heard it now see it all happen. Now you, will you not tell of it? Now (515) I will inform you (845) of new events (716), hidden things (758) that you did not (37) know about (524) +3 = 3400. They were created just now, not long ago and not before today and you have never heard of them. Lest you say, ‘Behold I already know of them’. You have neither heard nor have you known, nor was your ear opened to them from before… For the sake of My name, I shall restrain My wrath and for My praise I shall withhold my anger from you.”

And through this, may all my children return in complete teshuva in the blink (305) of an eye (130) = 435, in the merit of the Tzadik (209) the foundation (80) of the world (146) = 435.

And may they merit that the soul of our holy and awesome teacher (Rabbenu HaKadosh) be imbued in all of them.

And may they all merit to bring the complete redemption to the nation of Israel, and to perform miracles and wonders for the nation of Israel, which have never been before.


33. Master of the world who can do anything and from whom nothing is withheld.

Grant me and my wife (husband) the merit to have male sons who are righteous and holy, on the level of Moshiach the son of Yosef, Moshiach the son of David.

And fulfill in us the verse, “and it will be (26) that the house (412) of Yaakov (182) will be fire (182) and the house (412) of Yosef (156) will be a flame (42) and the house (418) of Esav (376) will be straw (430) = 2412”.

And through this, “there will rise before You our memory and our trust and the memory (283) of Moshiach (358) the son of (52) David (14) Your servant (96) and the memory (289) of Jerusalem (496) Your holy (424) city (280).

And may we merit to see the revelation of Eliyahu (52) the prophet (68) = 2412 who is remembered for good, who will bring tidings of Moshiach and the building of the Beit HaMikdash, speedily in our days, in the blink of an eye.

Amen, Netzach, Selah, Va’ed.


34. Master of the world grant me the merit to educate my children with the holiness of our holy and awesome teacher (Rabbenu HaKadosh).

And may they all be holy with the holiness of our pure and exalted teacher. And may I merit to give birth only to sons who are holy and pure.

And also, may I merit to be only holy and pure and to sanctify myself always with the holiness of our holy and awesome teacher.

And may all my actions be only truly for the sake of heaven, and may I merit all the days of my life to serve You with great self-sacrifice day (96) and night (81) = 177.

And through this may I merit to feel the taste of Gan (53) Eden (124) = 177 at every moment and every second, all the days of my life.


35. Master of the world who can do anything and from whom nothing is withheld.

Mighty One (215) our Mighty One (271) Hashem (26) our Master (117) how (45) mighty (215) is Your name (360) in all (52) the land (296), and it will be (26) that Hashem (26) will be King (120) over (100) all (50) the land (296) on that (17) day (58) Hashem (26) will be (30) One (13) and His name (346) will be One (13) = 2724”. “Hashem (26) will bless you (252) and guard you (556), Hashem (26) will shine (211) His face (146) towards you (61) and be gracious to you (100), Hashem (26) will lift up (311) His face (146) towards you (61) and grant (346) you (50) peace (376) = 2724”.

Please Hashem who is One, imbue in our children the spirit of Moshiach the son of David.

“And rest upon him the spirit of G-d the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of advice and strength the spirit of knowledge and awe of G-d”.

And may all of our children be the greatest Torah scholars in the generation, and may our holy and awesome teacher (Rabbenu HaKadosh) be imbued in them.


36. Master of the world who can do anything and from whom nothing is withheld.

Grant me the merit in the merit of lighting the holy Shabbat candles, that they will light up my soul and the souls of my dear husband (wife) with a precious light.

Like it’s written, “I will set your window frames with ruby and your gates of carbuncle stones and your entire boundary will be of precious stones”.

And in the merit of lighting the holy Shabbat candles, may I and my husband (wife) merit to holy and pure children who are exalted in nefesh, ruach and neshamah.

That will light up their souls and bodies like the soul and body of Moshe Rabbenu, peace be upon him, who placed a mask over his face, and may the lights of the holy Shabbat candles draw down the light of our holy teacher (Rabbenu HaKadosh) on my husband (wife) and on me, and on all our descendants, the sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters until the end of all the generations.

And may the light of all of them go and shine out from moment to moment, more and more.

Like it’s written, “and the path of the righteous is like the light of ‘nogah’ which grows brighter until the coming of day”.


37. Master of the world who can do anything, imbue in my children the essence (200) of the soul (790) of our holy (415) and awesome (268) teacher (268) = 1941, Rabbenu Nachman the son of Simcha, the son of Faige.

And may all of my children merit to be a Tzadik the foundation of the world, and merit to fulfill the verse, “Yehuda ben Teima says be as bold (77) as a leopard (310) light (130) as an eagle (570) run (290) like a deer (122) and be brave (211) as a lion (231) = 1941 to perform the will of our father in heaven”.

And may I and my husband (wife) and all my sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, to the end of all the generations merit to the hidden (71) light (212) of (330) the act (415) of Creation (913) = 1941.


38. Master of the world who can do anything and from whom nothing is withheld.

Grant my son the merit to be a genius (60), and also that my sons and daughters will succeed in their studies, and they will learn with ease, with consistency and with success.

Save the nation that declares (47) I am (61) a wall (59), brilliant (207) as the sun (730, yet exiled (44) and displaced (277). Likened (449) to a palm tree (670) yet killed (224) for Your sake (130). She hugs (121) and clings (123) to You (22) = 2567.”

Grant me the merit to be attached to You twenty four hours, whether I am awake or asleep, and the name Havaya should not leave from before my eyes ever.

Please, Gracious and Merciful One who can do anything, say now the end to all our suffering, to all our being pursued which we are pursued with day and night.

And may I merit to raise my sons and daughters with ease, and to have genuine fear of heaven.

And may the verse me fulfilled in me, “and it would be (31) that your peace (396) would flow like a river (275) and your righteousness (620) like the waves (63) of the sea (55)”.

And in the merit of this may I and my sons and daughters merit the will (307) of all wills (340) and joy (425) in everything (55) = 2567.

And only joy and happiness and delight and cheerfulness and song and chanting will fill my home day and night, all one hundred and twenty years.

Amen, Netzach, Selah, Va’ed.


39. Master of the world who can do anything and from whom nothing is withheld,

Save the nation that declares I am (61) a wall (59) = 120, brilliant as the sun, yet exiled and displaced. Likened to a palm tree yet killed for Your sake. She hugs and clings to You, bearing Your yoke.”

And may we merit to educate our children in the path of our holy and awesome teacher (Rabbenu HaKadosh).

Grant me the merit, in the merit of Eliyahu (52) the prophet (68) = 120 who is remembered for good, to all the salvations, the miracles and the wonders.

And to know Shas, Likutei Moharan, Likutei Halachot, Sippurey Ma’asiot, Likitei Tefillot, all of them word for word, letter for letter, like it’s written, “fortunate is the one who comes here with his learning in his hand”.


40. Master of the world who can do anything and from whom nothing is withheld.

Grant me that I will have a healthy husband, and he will be healthy and complete, and will be able to educate the children.

And to come out of all the diseases and the fallings and the descents, and from this moment may he be healthy and complete in the blink of an eye, and will be able to manage the Shabbat table with all the songs.

And may I always be calm.

And may I merit that all my sons and daughters will serve Hashem, and will fulfill, “I place Hashem before me always”.

And they will always only want to come close to Hashem, and will only love Hashem, and not nonsense and not bad influences.

And may they not have any desire, G-d forbid, for anything bad, only that they should fulfill the verse, “for Your name and Your memory a desire of the soul”.

And may they learn day and night, also the boys and the girls, with immense enthusiasm and with wonderful consistency, and may they have intentions in each letter of Shemonah Esrei and in all the prayers, and all their happiness will be only to do the will of Hashem.

And may they learn every day Likutei Moharan, Likutei Halachot, Likutei Tefillot, Shivchei HaRan and Chayei Moharan, and the boys will also learn Gemara, Shas, Rambam, Shulchan Aruch, Tur, Ramban, Rashba, Ritva, Meiri, Shita Mekubetzet, the Ri Mi’gash, the Yad Ramah, and all the commentators on the Gemara.

And when they grow up, may they also merit to learn Zohar, Etz Chaim, Tikunei Zohar, and all the writings of the Ari and all the books of Kabbalah, and all the books of Rabbenu HaKadosh and all the books of Moharanat (Rav Natan).

And all the enthusiasm of my sons and daughters will be only for the holy Torah.


Prayers for Yeladim Tzaddikim #3

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