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Light of Rav Berland

Who can fake this?

...fake the sort of mesirut nefesh that sees an 80 year old man in poor health with awful leg pains walk 10km in less than half a day, all over...
Man and his friend

Advice on: Matters between a man and his friend

...was the Torah of the Satan. According to a person’s mesirut nefesh, and self-sacrifice to show love to his friends, Hashem will then reveal to him all of the Torah’s...
Spinka Rebbe

Rav Berland visits the Spinka Rebbe of Bnei Brak

...while the crowd is humming a niggun – and then he’ll be able to keep going for another week! “It’s literally beyond belief, the level of mesirut nefesh (self-sacrifice) that...
Yosef Cohen

Rav Meirav eulogises his son, the holy soldier Yosef Cohen, HyD

...mesirut nefesh (self-sacrifice), a child who only wanted to help other people – right from the time he was small. And now, Hashem has taken him. We need so much...
Rabbi Ofer Erez

Rav Ofer Erez: The gathering on April 8th is the biggest weapon we have

...display some enormous mesirut nefesh (self-sacrifice) in order to come to this prayer gathering. Rabbi Yose ben Kisma said that the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hevron is the gate...

The difference one more makes

...one more person really is going to make a difference. Maybe all the difference. Which is why even though it’s hard, and it’s mesirut nefesh, self-sacrifice mamash, to shlep out...
Rabbi Berland lighting the bonfire in Meron

PRAYER: Moshiach will come from Meron

...leaves me through the sweat that emits from me during the dancing. And may I dance with all my 248 limbs and 365 sinews, with my nefesh, ruach, neshama, chaya,...
A silhoutted man stands in front of a raging bonfire

Miracles and Meron

...me to drive him to the men’s mikvah, where he usually goes for a dunk every single day. He said yes – and it was total mesirut nefesh for him,...

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What is the Name of the Redemption? – Daily Chizzuk with Rabbi Eliezer Berland...

The Daily Chizzuk of Moreinu HaRav Rabbi Eliezer Berland shlit”a – Yael hid Sisra under the laundry tub Wednesday, 2 Nisan 5784 Yael – “And she covered him with a smicha” (Shoftim 4:18).  But there is...

Merit to the Holy Mitzvah of Kimcha D’Pischa

Everyone is joining together to donate for the continuation of the holy tradition of distributing Kimcha D’Pischa food baskets for Passover and to take care of 100’s of poor families. In recent years, over 1,400...

The Moment that Moshe was Born, They Already Knew About the Redemption – Daily...

The Daily Chizzuk by Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland shlit”a – Disparagement saves from death Sunday, 28 Adar-Bet 5784 Esther grew up all her life without a mother or father.  She only danced with Hashem.  She only...

“A Person Needs to Nullify Himself to the Tzaddik” – Daily Shiur with Rabbi...

The Daily Shiur of Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland shlit”a, given on Thursday of Parshat Tzav, 19 Adar-Bet, after Maariv: Three seriously wounded, a car with small children aged four was attacked.  Poor things, all of...