Prayer For Humility And Subdued Pride

Hebrew text of the prayer to have humility and reduce pride

Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s Prayer for Humility

A prayer to have humility, lowliness and subdued pride (ga’avah).

Hebrew text of the prayer to have humility and reduce pride

Second side of prayer to have humility and reduce pride

Master of The World, The One who can make everything possible, please subdue any (feeling of) pride that is in me completely, so that I will always merit to be humble (gematria: 133) and ‘low’ (gematria: 822) = 955.

And I will know that I’m the worst (person) in the world and I will be like ‘Har Tavor’, which is four parsa’ot (Talmudic measurement), and follow Teaching #14 (in Likutei Moharan) and I will be able to finish few hundred pages of Gemara before the 26th of Nissan and come to the level of Our Holy and Awesome Teacher, Rebbe Nachman, son of Simcha and son of Feige.

And I will be able to bring back my family to complete repentance.

And by virtue of this, I will transform the four elements in me; fire (gematria: 301), wind (gematria: 214), water (gematria: 90) and earth (gematria: 350; together = 955), to the four elements of holiness.

And I will be like a burning fire for You and by virtue of this, I will learn Torah day (gematria: 96) and night (gematria: 81, together = 177) constantly and feel and taste Gan (gematria: 53) Eden (gematria: 124, together = 177) every moment and second.

And by (virtue of) this, the Angels Nuri’el (gematria: 297), Gavri’el (gematria: 246), Micha’el (gematria: 101), Refa’el (gematria: 311, together = 955) will accompany me and I will experience miraculous salvations and wonders every moment and second.

contact the tzaddik Rabbi Berland for a blessing
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  1. Chalom ! Chalom, b’h !

    Here a free translation from english to french, please feel free to use and share it as you wish bevakacha, b’h !

    Prière pour avoir l’humilité, la petitesse et maîtriser la fierté (ga’avah).

    “Maître du monde, Celui qui peut faire chaque chose possible, s’il te plaît soumet mes quelconques (sensations de) fierté qui est en moi complètement, comme ça je mériterai toujours d’être humble (133) et ‘petit’ (822) = 955.

    Et je saurai que je suis la pire (personne) dans ce monde et je serai comme ‘Har Tavot’ qui est de 4 parsa’ot, et je suivrai la Torah 14 du Likutei Moharan et je serai capable de finir quelque centaine de pages de Guémara avant le 26 Nissan et irai au niveau de Notre Saint et Impressionnant Professeur, Rebbe Na’HMaN ben Simkha ben Feigue.

    Et je serai capable de ramener ma famille à une complète repentance.

    Et par cette vertu de cela, je transformerai les 4 éléments en moi; feu (301), vent (214), eau (90) et terre (350) = 955, aux 4 éléments de la Sainteté.

    Et je serai comme feu ardent pour Toi et par cet vertu de ceci, j’apprendrai la Torah jour (96) et nuit (81) = 177, constamment et sentirai le Gan (53) Éden (124) = 177 à chaque moment et seconde.

    Et par ceci, les Anges Nouriel (297), Gavriel (246), Mikhael (101), Refael (311) = 955, m’accompagneront et je vivrai des miraculeuses délivrances et merveilles à chaque moment et seconde.

    Berakha veshemiras Mamach ! Bessorot Tovot ! Tov li ! Todah laEl ! Tziku leMitsvot !
    Kol touv selah !

  2. Learning Hebrew, but have not mastered the language yet. Please post the English translation to your post Prayer For Humility for the benefit of Hebrew-learning students. Shalom and todah

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