Prayer to have holy thoughts

Rabbi Berland’s Prayer To Have Pure Thoughts

The following is translated from Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s compendium of prayers in the Refuah Shleimah booklet. To get the prayer in the original Hebrew, you can buy the booklet HERE.

Please, Master of the world, who can do anything, from whom nothing is withheld.

Please Merciful and Gracious One, grant me the merit to have holy and pure thoughts which will incinerate all of my bad in the blink (305) of an eye (130) = 435, in the merit of the Tzadik (209) the foundation (80) of the world (146) = 435 Rabbi Nachman the son of Simcha the son of Faige.

And through this may I merit to be a pillar of fire. Please Hashem who is One (1), may I merit to only think good, like it’s written:

and it will be (26) that the house (418) of Yaakov (182) will be fire (182) and the house (418) of Yosef (156) will be a flame (42) and the house (418) of Esav (376) will be straw (430)” = 3360 and it will ignite them and consume them and there will be no remnant of the house of Esav because Hashem has spoken”.

Please, “Creator (209) of remedies (693) awesome (257) in His praises (841)” heal my mind in the blink of an eye.

And in the merit of this send me Eliyahu HaNavi who is remembered for good, and he will bring only (21) good (423) tidings (916) = 3360 salvations and comforting.


Visit the A-Z of prayers by Rabbi Eliezer Berland, HERE.


Prayer to heal the hands in Uman

contact the tzaddik Rabbi Berland for a blessing
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  1. There are so many wonderful prayers from this book, but I find it hard to find the original Hebrew.
    Could you please add the page numbers to the English prayers for those of us who want to look them up?
    Thank you!

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