Prayer to heal the hands

Rabbi Berland’s Prayer To Heal The Hands

The following is translated from Rabbi Eliezer Berland’s compendium of prayers in the Refuah Shleimah booklet. To get the prayer in the original Hebrew, you can buy the booklet HERE.

Master of the world who can do anything, grant me the merit to be mighty like Samson the mighty one, whose soul was from Atik (580) Yomin (116) = 696, and who served You all his days with immense happiness, with fear and with awe (255) and with shaking (283) and trembling (56) and fear (98) = 696.

And in the merit of Rabbi (212) Akiva (183) peace be upon him, heal me, Hashem who is one (1), [heal] my hand completely, and perform for me miracles (130) upon miracles (180) = 696 and wonders which are beyond investigation.

And may my hand be healed completely, and there will be no impression and no sign remaining [of the problem] at all.


Visit the A-Z of prayers by Rabbi Eliezer Berland, HERE.


Prayer for a child to have normal development


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