WATCH: At the hiloula of Rachel Imenu, 5778

Rav Berland celebrates the hiloula of Rachel Imenu, 5778

On October 31, 2017, Rav Berland visited Kever Rachel, located on the outskirts of Jerusalem near the city of Bethlehem, to celebrate the hiloula (anniversary of her passing) of Rachel Imenu.

The Rav and his followers joined many thousands of other pilgrims to the grave. (In the accompanying videos, you can see the Rav surrounded by a circle of his followers who are trying to prevent him being crushed, as hundreds of people surged towards him for a glimpse of the tzaddik.)

While he was there with his entourage, Rav Berland prayed for the welfare of people of Israel, then recited the Tikkun Haklali three times. The atmosphere in the kever was one of tremendous joy, happiness and unity.


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