“Mouth to mouth do I speak to him” – Why is Parashat Beha’alotecha the Highest? – Shiur of R’ Berland Shlit”a

Before you is the full shiur of our Rebbe Rav Eliezer Berland shlit”a which was given over after Ma’ariv on Thursday evening, 11 Sivan – the day of the yahrzeit of “the mother of royalty” – Mrs. Etiya bat Moshe a”h, the mother of the Rav shlit”a.

Then it’s written, “At the image of Hashem does he gaze” (Bamidbar 12:8).  In the parasha – “Mouth to mouth do I speak to him, in a clear vision and not in riddles,” that he merited to “mouth to mouth,” because Eliyahu wanted the mouth of Moshe.  Therefore, Eliyahu entered the cave.  There no one can enter with the Bedouins.  There you need permission from the prosecutor’s office.  So by the Bedouins, between the Bedouins, deep, deep, there is a cave, and whoever reaches there merits to “mouth to mouth do I speak to him, in a clear vision and not in riddles; at the image of Hashem does he gaze.”  One sees the image of Hashem, Hashem mamash!  “You will see My back, but My face will not be seen” (Shemot 33:23).  Because now we are learning about the “face.”  Now, through the tzaddik, one merits to the “face.”  Through the true tzaddik, it’s possible to merit to the “face.”  Because this is parashat Beha’alotecha, which is the greatest of all parasha’s, because then we merit to “at the image of Hashem does he gaze.”  Each person according to [his] Ma’ariv and Shacharit merits to “at the image of Hashem does he gaze,” sees Hashem face to face.  It’s written “but My face will not be seen,” but he merits to “My face will be seen.”  So this parasha, this is the moment that it’s possible to merit, each person, to “My face will be seen,” to see Hashem mamash face to face.

Shiur begins at timecode 40:03

Before going to sleep, the Rebbe says, we see all 600,000 souls – in Sichot HaRan [90], that every person sees all 600,000 souls and all 600,000 tzaddikim.  Therefore, now, on this night, this is the loftiest night, because then we see all 600,000 tzaddikim, we see “at Hashem’s image does he gaze,” and we see “mouth to mouth do I speak to him,” as Eliyahu HaNavi requested – “What do you have here [PoH] Eliyahu?” (I Kings 19:9).  Eliyahu HaNavi said, “I want the mouth [PeH] of Moshe – “Mouth to mouth I speak to him,” that through a person saying Tehilim, he merits to “mouth to mouth do I speak to him.”

At the beginning of the prayer, the Rav shlit”a lights a candle for the iluyi neshama (elevation of the soul) of his mother, Mrs. Etiya bat R’ Moshe a”h – the mother of royalty – 30 years since her passing.

Rav Berland shlit”a light candle for the iluyi neshama of his mother
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