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“The Tzaddik Can Conquer the Entire World” — The Main Shiur from the Hilulah...

...the soul of Moshe Rabbeinu; Moshe Rabbeinu is the Nefesh of Yechidah. Today is the Ushpizin [guest-day] of Moshe Rabbeinu. We invite to the meal the supernal guests… Everyone say...

Urgent Appeal! Have a part in FREEING RAV BERLAND!

Chazal say “There is no greater mitzvah than pidyon shvuyim (helping free a person from jail)”, and that it comes before all other charities The judge is asking for a...
Parshat Bechukotai

Parshat Bechukotai: The correct way for a Jew to pursue their enemies

Parshat Bechukotai: The Jewish way to pursue our enemies Moharanat (Rav Natan of Breslov) explains (in Pidyon Bachor, Halacha 5:13) about “You will pursue your enemies etc” (Parshat Bechukotai). Is...

Nowhere to hide

...zchut (merit). So, I called up the maths’ tutor, and I booked my spot. Patience, patience I prepared 1,000 nis as a pidyon to give to the Rav (let me...
Man bashing his head against a stone wall

Feeling confused by what’s going on? Read this.

...a pidyon to Rabbi Berland to help get the house to sell. With everything that’s going on with Brexit, that house sale is a totally open miracle.) Do all the...
Rav Berland visits Rav David Abuchatzeira

Historic meeting between Rav Berland and Rav David Abuchatzeira

...a pidyon (redemption). You are the grandson of kedoshim (holy ones).” Later on Rav Abuchatzeira also mentioned to Rav Natan Bensasson, Rav Berland’s gabbay that he was: “Connected to the...
Photo montage of Rabbi Berland in Hevron and autistic Binyamin Goldin

The autistics’ change course

...look at what happened last week, when connecting to the Tzaddik HaDor and following his directive to pay a pidyon caused the Category 5 Hurricane Dorian to totally change its...

The Jewish World in Lockdown

...of us, and to cause us to make a cheshbon hanefesh (spiritual accounting), as to why Hashem is doing this to us. But you should know, my teachers and friends,...

You may have missed...

The Moment that Moshe was Born, They Already Knew About the Redemption – Daily...

The Daily Chizzuk by Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland shlit”a – Disparagement saves from death Sunday, 28 Adar-Bet 5784 Esther grew up all her life without a mother or father.  She only danced with Hashem.  She only...

“A Person Needs to Nullify Himself to the Tzaddik” – Daily Shiur with Rabbi...

The Daily Shiur of Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland shlit”a, given on Thursday of Parshat Tzav, 19 Adar-Bet, after Maariv: Three seriously wounded, a car with small children aged four was attacked.  Poor things, all of...

Said the Tikkun HaKlali and was Saved from an Anti-Tank Missile 

“Say one Tikkun HaKlali worth everything! One Tikkun HaKlali is worth more than a thousand swords, a thousand arrows, and a thousand bows!” So said Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland shlit”a in shiurim a...

“For Shuvu Banim, There was Light and Gladness” 

Awesome Photo Gallery of the Shushan Purim celebrations from the courtyard of our Beit Midrash - Shuvu Banim, some eight hours straight of non-stop dancing.  Everyone knows that anyone who wants to experience the true...